Ross J. Donaldson,
"Towards robust free-space optical quantum communication links", European
Conference on Optical Communications 2023, Glasgow, United Kingdom (October 2023).
Cameron Simmons, and Ross
J. Donaldson,
"Beamshaping beacon light for satellite quantum key distribution: spatial separation and
point ahead angle", SPIE Photonex, Glasgow, United Kingdom (October 2023).
Xin Li, Fiona Flemming, Lisa Saalbach, Dave Muir,
Mrudul Modak, Muhammad Mirza, Jarosław Kirdoda, Derek Dumas,
Ross Millar, Douglas J. Paul, and Gerald S. Buller,
"Ge-on-Si single-photon avalanche diode detectors for short-wave infrared LiDAR",
International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technology (ICEQT2023), Hefei, China (September
Gerald Buller, Fiona
Xin Yi, Zoë M. Greener,
Laura L. Huddleston, Lisa
Saalbach, Jarosław
Kirdoda, Bhavana Benakaprasad, Derek C.S. Dumas, Conor Coughlan, Scott Watson, Ross W. Millar and
Douglas J. Paul,
"Ge‑on‑Si Single‑Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors for Short‑Wave
Infrared Wavelengths", MRS Spring Meeting 2022, Honolulu, USA (May 2022).
Aurora Maccarone, Aongus
McCarthy, Julián
Tachella, Francesco Mattioli Della Rocca, Yoann Altmann, Stephen McLaughlin, Robert Henderson,
Gerald S. Buller,
"Time‑correlated single‑photon counting for underwater applications",
SPIE Defense +
Commercial Sensing, Online forum (April 2020).
Gerald S. Buller, Peter
Kateryna Kuzmenko, Zoë
M. Greener,
Jarosław Kirdoda, Derek C. S. Dumas, Lourdes Ferre Llin, Muhammad M. Mirza, Ross W. Millar,
Douglas J. Paul,
"High efficiency planar geometry germanium‑on‑silicon single‑photon
avalanche diode
detectors", SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Online forum (April 2020)
R. Tobin, A.
A. Halimi, J. Tachella, Y. Altmann, M. Laurenzis, F.
Christnacher, P. Soan, K.J.
McEwan, S. McLaughlin and G.S. Buller,
"Three‑dimensional profiling through obscurants using single‑photon detection
in the short‑wave
infrared", SPIE Security + Defence, Strasbourg, France (September 2019).
A. Maccarone, A.
McCarthy, J. Tachella, D.A.
Garcia, F. Mattioli Della Rocca, Y. Altmann, S. McLaughlin, R. Henderson, G.S. Buller,
"Underwater depth imaging using time‑correlated single‑photon counting at
video frame rates",
SPIE Security + Defence, Strasbourg, France (September 2019).
R.J. Donaldson, G.S.
Buller, A. Fedrizzi,
"Satellite‑based quantum communications", SPIE Optics + Photonics, San
Diego, California, USA
(August 2019).
G.S. Buller, A.
R. Tobin, A.
A. Halimi, J. Tachella, Y. Altmann, S. McLaughlin, A.M.
Wallace, M. Laurenzis, F.
Christnacher, P. Soan, K.J. McEwan,
"Three-dimensional imaging in extreme conditions using single-photon detection",
SPIE Optics + Photonics,
San Diego, California, USA (August 2019).
R. Tobin, A.
A. McCarthy, M. Laurenzis, F. Christnacher, P.J. Soan, K.J.
G.S. Buller,
"Depth profiling of targets in highly obscuring media using single‑photon
detection", SPIE Defense
+ Commercial Sensing, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (April 2019).
A. Maccarone, A.
McCarthy, J. Tachella,
A. Halimi, Y. Altmann, S. McLaughlin, Y. Petillot, and
G.S. Buller, "Underwater Single‑Photon Depth
RAD‑LIDAR 2018, Fort Pierce, Florida, USA (November 2018)
P. Soan, G.S. Buller, M. Silver, K. McEwan, J. Parsons, P.
Feneyrou, A. Martin,
R. Tobin, A.
A. Halimi, S. Chan, J. Miah, B. Stewart, and J. Leach,
"Comparative assessment of different active imaging technologies for imaging through
obscurants", SPIE
Security + Defence 2018, Berlin, Germany (October 2018).
R.J. Collins, R.J.
Gerald S. Buller,
"Progress in experimental quantum digital signatures", SPIE Optics and Photonics,
San Diego, California, USA
(August 2018).
R.A. Lamb, A.M. Pawlikowska, P.A. Hiskett,
A. Halimi, G.S.
"3D imaging and atmospheric sensing with single photon counting", SPIE Defense
and Commercial Sensing,
Orlando, USA (April 2018).
A.M. Pawlikowska, B. Flemming, A. Halimi,
G.S. Buller, R.A. Lamb,
"Atmospheric sensing with single photon counting", SPIE Security and Defence,
Warsaw (September 2017)
R.J. Collins, R.J.
Donaldson, R. Amiri, E.
Andersson, M. Fujiwara, M. Takeoka, M. Sasaki, and G.S.
"Quantum digital signatures in optical fiber networks", SPIE Optics +
Optoelectronics 2017, Prague, Czech
Republic (April 2017)
A.J. Waddie, A. McCarthy, X. Ren, F. Villa, F.
Zappa, G.S. Buller, and M.R. Taghizadeh,
"Integration of Diffractive and Refractive Microlens Arrays with Low‑fill Factor
Single Photon Avalanche Diode
Detectors", Photon 16, Leeds, UK (September 2016)
G.S. Buller and T. Spiller,
"Progress in quantum communications technologies at the UK Quantum Technology
Hub", SPIE Security +
Defence, Edinburgh, UK (September 2016).
R.J. Collins, R.J.
P.J. Clarke, and G.S.
"Experimental Quantum Digital Signatures: The First Four Years", Energy,
Materials & Nanontechnology
Meeting on Quantum Communications & Quantum Imaging‑2016, Berlin, Germany (August 2016).
G.S. Buller, A.
X. Ren, A.M. Wallace, Y.R. Petillot, A. McCarthy,
"Single‑photon depth imaging for underwater applications", SPIE Defense
+ Commercial Sensing,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA (April 2016)
G.S. Buller, A.
X. Ren, A. Maccarone,
N.R. Gemmell, A.M. Wallace, Y. Petillot,
"Single‑photon Depth Imaging in Free‑space and Underwater", OSA
Imaging and Applied Optics
Congress, Arlington, Virginia, USA (June 2015)
G. Intermite, R.E.
A. McCarthy, X. Ren,
F, Villa, A. J. Waddie, M.R.
Taghizadeh, F. Zappa and G.S. Buller,
"Enhancing the fill‑factor of CMOS SPAD arrays using microlens
integration", SPIE Optics +
Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic (April 2015)
G.S. Buller, A.
X. Ren, N.R. Gemmell,
A. Maccarone, Y.R. Petillot, and A.M. Wallace,
"Applications of depth imaging based on time‑correlated single‑photon
counting", SPIE DSS 2104,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA (May 2014)
G.S. Buller, P.J.
R.J. Collins, "Single photon detection and quantum
cryptography", SPIE
Security + Defence — Quantum‑Physics‑Based Information Security, Edinburgh,
UK (September 2012)
G.S. Buller, A.
N.R. Gemmell, X. Ren,
N.J. Krichel, R.J.
Collins, S.N. Dorenbos, V.
Zwiller, M.G. Tanner and R.H. Hadfield,
"Kilometer range single‑photon depth imaging at wavelengths of 850nm and
1560nm", SPIE Optics and
Photonics, San Diego, USA (August 2012)
M.P. Edgar, D.S. Tasca, F. Izdebski, R.E. Warburton,
G.S. Buller, J. Leach, R.W. Boyd and M.J. Padgett,
"Full field measurement of spatial correlated photon pairs with an EMCCD camera",
The 42nd Winter Colloquium
on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA, (January 2012)
F. Izdebski, J. Leach, R.E.
Warburton, D. G.
Ireland, S. M. Barnett, A. M. Yao, G.S. Buller and M. J.
"Quantum correlations in position, momentum and intermediate bases, measured using fiber
arrays", Complex
Light and Optical Forces VI, San Francisco, California, USA (January 2012) Published as:
Proceedings SPIE 8274, 82740E (2012).
G.S. Buller, N.J.
A. McCarthy, N.R.
Gemmell, M.J. Tanner and R.H.
Hadfield, "Single‑photon counting imaging system", 2011 IEEE Photonics
Society Annual Meeting,
Arlington, VA, USA (October 2011)
R.J. Collins, P.J.
Clarke, V. Dunjko, E.
Andersson, J. Jeffers and G.S. Buller,
"Short infrared wavelength quantum information experiments in optical fibre",
Rank Prize Symposium on Optical
Implementation of Quantum Information, Grasmere (October 2011)
R. H. Hadfield, M. G. Tanner, C. M. Natarajan, J. A. O'Connor, N.J. Krichel and
G.S. Buller,
"Time‑correlated single‑photon counting with superconducting
single‑photon detectors", SPIE
Optics and Photonics, San Diego (August 2011)
G.S. Buller, N.J.
A. McCarthy and R.H. Hadfield,
"Kilometer range depth imaging using time-correlated single‑photon
counting", SPIE Optics and
Photonics, San Diego (August 2011)
G.S. Buller, R.J.
P.J. Clarke and P.D. Townsend, "Gigahertz quantum
cryprography", Asia
Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition, Shanghai, China (December 2010).
G.S. Buller, N.J.
Krichel and
A. McCarthy, "Lidar systems using semiconductor
lasers", Photonex 2010
Conference on High Power Diode Lasers & Systems, Telford, UK (November 2010)
G.S. Buller, "Infrared single‑photon avalanche
diodes", The Rank
Prize Mini‑Symposium on Single Photon Detectors: Physics and Applications, Grasmere
(January 2009)
P.D. Mason, P.M. Gorman, A.J. Turner, D.A. Orchard, D.A. Huckridge, A. P. Southern, R.P.A. Booker,
R.A. Lamb,
G.S. Buller, A.
V. Fernandez, R.J.
Collins and
N.J. Krichel,
"Development of a covert laser range finder within the SS4CC programme", 6th
Electro‑Optics &
Infrared Conference, Cranfield University (July 2008)
G.S. Buller,
"Time‑of‑flight sensing using time‑correlated single‑photon
counting",SPIE Photonics
West, San Jose, California (January 2008)
G.S. Buller, A.M. Wallace, A McCarthy and R.A.
Lamb, "Ranging and Three‑Dimensional Imaging using Time‑Correlated
Single‑Photon Counting",
SPIE Security and Defence, Florence, Italy (September 2007)
G.S. Buller,
"Three‑Dimensional Imaging and Ranging using Time‑Correlated
Single‑Photon Counting", SPIE
Optics East, Boston, USA (September 2007)
G.S. Buller,
"Single‑Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors for Quantum Key Distribution",
SIOE, Cardiff, UK (April 2007)
G.S. Buller, "Infrared Single Photon Counting and
their Applications",
The IEEE LEOS Summer Topical Meeting, Quebec, Canada (July 2006)
V. Fernandez, K.J.
R.J. Collins, S.D. Cova, I. Rech and P.D. Townsend,
"Quantum cryptography using silicon SPADs", Rank Prize Mini‑Symposium on
Optoelectronics, Windermere, UK (April 2006)
G.S. Buller, "Avalanche Diodes for Single Photon
Detection", Rank Prize
Mini‑Symposium on Si‑Based Optoelectronics, Windermere, UK (April 2006)
S. Pellegrini, G.S.
Buller, L.Ya. Karachinsky, A.S.
Shkolnik, N. Yu. Gordeev, V.P. Evtikhiev, B.V. Novikov, I. R. Sellers, M.S. Skolnick, H.Y. Liu, M.
"Time‑Resolved Photoluminescence Measurements of InAs Self‑assembled Quantum
Dots", SPIE Photonic
West 05 International Symposium, San Jose, California, USA (January 2005)
S. Pellegrini, G.S.
"Time‑Resolved Photoluminescence Measurements of InAs Self‑assembled Quantum
Scottish Chapter Meeting, Glasgow, UK (November 2004)
G.S. Buller, "Detector Issues in Quantum Key
Distribution", QinetiQ
Workshop on Quantum Key Distribution, Malvern, UK (October 2003)
G.S. Buller, "Experimental Quantum Key
Distribution", Institute of
Physics Introduction to Quantum Information Processing, London, UK (September 2003)
G.S. Buller, "Quantum key distribution in optical
fiber networks", SPIE
ITCOM, Orlando, Florida, USA (September 2003)
G.S. Buller,
"Optoelectronic component evolution in quantum key distribution systems", IOG
2002/ IOG 2002 Joint
Conferences, Mannheim, Germany (September 2002)
G.S. Buller,
"Optoelectronic component research in quantum key distribution systems",
Photon'02, Cardiff, UK
(September 2002)
G.S. Buller,
"Component evolution in quantum key distribution systems",Institute of Physics
Quantum Electronics and
Photonics Conference, Glasgow, UK (September 2001)
G.S. Buller,
"Enabling Technologies for Quantum Key Distribution Systems", Conference on
Quantum interference and
cryptographic keys: novel physics and advancing technologies, Cargese, Corsica
(April 2001)
G.S. Buller,
"Semiconductor Single‑Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD) detectors in the
Infra‑red", Rank Prize
Mini‑symposium on "Fast, Low‑Level Light Detection", Grasmere, England
(October 2000)
G.S. Buller,
"Semiconductor Single‑Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD) detectors in the
Infra‑red — Status and
Applications", Workshop on "New Scientific Applications in Dynamic
Spectroscopy", Royal Society, London (May 1999)