Mrudul Modak, Xin Yi, Lisa Saalbach, Fiona Fleming, Dave A. S. Muir, Muhammad M. A. Mirza, Jarosław Kirdoda, Derek C. S. Dumas, Charlie Smith, Charlie McCarthy, Hannah Mowbray, Xiao Jin, John P. R. David, Ross W. Millar, Douglas J. Paul, Gerald S. Buller,
"Ge-on-Si avalanche photodiodes and single-photon avalanche diode detectors for low-level light detection in the short-wave infrared wavelength region",
SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (September 2024).
Sandor Plosz, Aurora Maccarone, Steve McLaughlin, Gerald S. Buller, Abderrahim Halimi,
"Real-time underwater target detection and 3D video reconstruction for single-photon LiDAR imaging",
SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (September 2024).
Jorge García-Armenta, Aongus McCarthy, Andrew Farrell, Mark Silver, Gerald S. Buller,
"Ranging performance of a SWIR laser rangefinder using a free-running InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche diode detector",
SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (September 2024).
Rui Zhang, Germán Mora Martín, Robert K.Henderson, Istvan Gyongy, Gerald S. Buller, Aurora Maccarone,
"Rapid single photon 3D imaging in highly scattering underwater environments",
SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (September 2024).
Ross J. Donaldson, Cameron Simmons, Alfonso Tello Castillo,
"Reducing the hardware requirements while mitigating side-channels in polarisation-based decoy-state BB84 quantum key distribution",
SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (September 2024).
Elizabeth Eso, Cameron Simmons, and Ross J. Donaldson,
"Impact of wind conditions on free space satellite to ground quantum communications link",
SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (September 2024).
John J. Pantoja, Alfonso
Tello Castillo, Dimitris E. Anagnostou, James Kirrane, Mark Stonehouse, Alex Koehler-Sidki,
Michelle Natrella, and Ross J. Donaldson,
"Investigation on the electromagnetic radiated emissions of a single-photon avalanche
SPIE Photonex, Glasgow, United Kingdom (October 2023).
John J. Pantoja, Alfonso
Tello Castillo, Dimitris E. Anagnostou, James Kirrane, Mark Stonehouse, Alex Koehler-Sidki,
Michelle Natrella, and Ross J. Donaldson,
"Radiofrequency Emanations of a Single-Photon Detector",
IET Quantum Engineering and Technology Conference, London, United Kingdom (October 2023).
Peter Barrow, and Ross J. Donaldson,
"Modelling Satellite to Ground Quantum Communications",
ESA Quantum, Matera, Italy (September 2023).
Alexandra Lee, Alfonso
Tello Castillo, Ross J. Donaldson, and Craig Whitehill,
"Multimode fiber influence on time response of single-photon avalanche diodes used in
Optica Quantum 2.0, Denver, USA (April 2023).
Xin Yi, Zoë
Greener, Fiona Flemming, Lisa Saalbach, Jarosław Kirdoda, Derek Dumas, Lourdes
Ferre-Llin, Ross Miller, Douglas J. Paul, and Gerald S.
"Afterpulsing in Planar Ge-on-Si Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes",
Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics (SIOE), Cardiff, United Kingdom (April 2023).
Charles Smith, Jarosław Kirdoda, Derek C. S. Dumas, Conor Coughlan, Charlie McCarthy, Hannah
Mowbray, Muhammad Mirza, Fiona Flemming, Xin Yi, Lisa Saalbach, Gerald S. Buller, Douglas J. Paul, and Ross W. Miller,
"Simulation and design optimization of germanium-on-silicon single photon avalanche
SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, USA (March 2023).
Ross J. Donaldson, Cameron
Simmons, Peter Barrow, Elizabeth Eso, Rebecca
Harwin, Hannah Robarts, Alex Pickston, David Pearson, Alessandro Fedrizzi, Andy Vick, and Gerald S. Buller"Utilizing the UK’s quantum optical ground station infrastructure for advanced
satellite-based quantum communication demonstrations",
SPIE Photonex, Birmingham, United Kingdom (December 2022).
Umberto Nasti, Ian Davidson, Hesham Sakr, Francesco
Poletti, and Ross J. Donaldson,
"Hollow-core fiber for near-infrared quantum communication",
SPIE Photonex, Birmingham, United Kingdom (December 2022).
Peter W. R. Connolly, Yash D. Sash, Jessica Valli, Arran Sykes, James Grant, Claudio Accarino, Yoann Altmann,
Colin Rickman, David R. S. Cumming,
and Gerald S.
"Advances in metasurface-based mosaic filters for single-photon detector arrays",
SPIE Security +
Defence, Berlin, Germany (September 2022).
Aurora Maccarone, Kristofer Drummond,
Aongus McCarthy, Ulrich K.
Steinlehner, Yvan R.
Petillot, Robert K. Henderson, Yoann Altmann, and Gerald S.
"Real‑time underwater single‑photon three‑dimensional imaging",
SPIE Sensors +
Imaging, Berlin, Germany (September 2022).
Peter W. R. Connolly, Yash Shah, Jessica Valli, Yoann Altmann,
Gerald S. Buller,
"Multi‑spectral, single‑photon colour imaging using high‑efficiency
plasmonic metasurface mosaic
filters", SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Berlin, Germany (September 2022).
Xin Yi, Fiona Fleming,
Jarosław Kirdoda, Ross W.
Millar, Bhavana Benakaprasad, Conor Coughlan, Charles Smith, Muhammad M. Mirza, Scott Watson,
Lisa Saalbach, Douglas J. Paul, Gerald S. Buller,
"Design, fabrication and performance of planar Ge‑on‑Si single‑photon
avalanche diode at 1550
nm", SPIE Sensors + Imaging, Berlin, Germany (September 2022).
Alfonso Tello Castillo, and Ross Donaldson,
"Towards free‑space quantum key distribution with a 2D single‑photon
sensor, SPIE Photonex, Glasgow,
Scotland (October 2021).
Ewan Wade, Rachael
Aongus McCarthy, and Gerald S. Buller,
"Sub‑pixel micro scanning for improved spatial resolution using single‑photon
Defense + Commercial Sensing, Online Only (April 2021).
Aurora Maccarone, Ulrich
Aongus McCarthy, Giulia Acconcia, Ivan Labanca, Yoann
Altmann, Ivan Rech, Robert K.
Henderson, Gerald S. Buller,
"Silicon single photon avalanche diodes detector arrays for underwater
applications", SPIE Defense +
Commercial Sensing, Online forum (April 2021).
Fiona E. Thorburn, Laura L.
Xin Yi, Gerald S. Buller,
Jarosław Kirdoda, Ross
W. Millar, Lourdes Ferre Llin, Douglas J. Paul,
"Planar geometry Ge‑on‑Si single‑photon avalanche diode detectors for
the short‑wave
infrared", SPIE Security + Defence 2020, Online forum (September 2020).
Aongus McCarthy, Rachael
Abderrahim Halimi, Phil Soan,
Gerald S. Buller,
"Real‑time imaging of moving targets through atmospheric obscurant using
single‑photon counting", SPIE Security + Defence 2020, Online forum
(September 2020).
Aurora Maccarone, Giulia Acconcia,
Ulrich Steinlehner, Ivan Labanca, Ivan Rech,
Gerald S. Buller,
"Underwater time of flight depth imaging using an asynchronous linear single photon
avalanche diode detector
array", SPIE Security + Defence 2020, Online forum (September 2020).
Alfonso Tello, Catarina
Ross Donaldson,
"Prospects of time‑bin quantum key distribution in turbulent free‑space
channels", SPIE Security
+ Defence 2020, Online forum (September 2020).
Ximing Ren, Stefan Frick, Alex McMillan,
Songmao Chen, Abderrahim Halimi,
Peter Connolly, Siddarth Joshi, Stephen Mclaughlin, John
Rarity, Jonathan Matthews,
Gerald Buller,
"Time‑of‑Flight Depth‑Resolved Imaging with Heralded Photon Source
Illumination", CLEO,
Online forum (May 2020).
Gregor Taylor, Aongus McCarthy, Boris Korzh, Andrew Beyer,
Dmitry Morozov, Ryan Briggs,
Jason Allmaras, Bruce Bumble, Matthew Shaw, Robert Hadfield, Gerald Buller,
"Long‑range depth imaging with 13 ps temporal resolution using a
superconducting nanowire
single‑photon detector", CLEO, Online forum (May 2020).
Fiona E. Thorburn, Laura L.
Jarosław Kirdoda, Ross W. Millar, Lourdes Ferre-Llin, Xin
Yi, Douglas J. Paul,
Gerald S. Buller,
"High efficiency planar geometry germanium‑on‑silicon single‑photon
avalanche diode
detectors", SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Online forum (May 2020).
Aurora Maccarone, Aongus
McCarthy, Julián
Tachella, Francesco Mattioli Della Rocca, Yoann Altmann, Stephen McLaughlin, Robert Henderson, and
Gerald S. Buller,
"Three‑dimensional imaging of dynamic underwater scenes using single‑photon
Single‑Photon Workshop, Milan, Italy (October 2019).
R. Tobin, A.
A. Halimi, J. Tachella, Y. Altmann, M. Laurenzis, F.
Christnacher, P. Soan, K. J.
McEwan, S. McLaughlin, and G. S. Buller,
"Depth imaging through obscurants using single photon detection in the short‑wave
Single‑Photon Workshop, Milan, Italy (October 2019).
Peter W. R. Connolly, Yash D. Shah, Ximing Ren,
Yoann Altmann, James P. Grant, Danni Hao, Claudio Accarino, Mitchell Kenney, Valerio Annese,
Mohammed A. Al‑Rahwani,
Kirsty G. Rew, Zoë M. Greener, Daniele Faccio,
Gerald S. Buller, and David R. S. Cumming,
"Multispectral single‑photon imaging using high efficiency plasmonic metasurface
Single‑Photon Workshop, Milan, Italy (October 2019).
Gerald S. Buller, Kateryna Kuzmenko,
Peter Vines, Zoë
Greener, Jarosław Kirdoda,
Derek C.S. Dumas, Muhammad M. Mirza, Lourdes Ferre Llin, Ross W. Millar, and Douglas J. Paul,
"Planar Geometry Ge‑on‑Si Single‑Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors for
the Short‑Wave
Infrared", Single‑Photon Workshop, Milan, Italy (October 2019).
J. Kirdoda, D.C.S. Dumas, K. Kuzmenko, P. Vines,
Z.M. Greener, R.W. Millar, M.M. Mirza, G.S. Buller,
and D.J. Paul, "Geiger Mode Ge‑on‑Si Single‑Photon Avalanche Diode
Detectors", IEEE Group
IV Photonics, Singapore, Singapore (August 2019).
Z. Greener, K.
U. Zanforlin, D.W.
Canning, and
G.S. Buller,
"Integration of Ge‑on‑Si Single‑Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors into
quantum planar lightwave
circuits", Engineering Quantum Photonic Technologies Event, London, UK (May 2019).
A. Halimi, R.
A. McCarthy, J. Bioucas‑Dias, S. McLaughlin, and
G.S. Buller,
"Joint Reconstruction of Multitemporal or Multispectral Single‑Photon 3D LiDAR
Images", IEEE SSPD,
Brighton, UK (May 2019).
K. Kuzmenko, P.
Z. Greener, J. Kirdoda, D. Dumas, M.M.A. Mirza, R. Millar, D.J.
G.S. Buller,
"Planar geometry Ge‑on‑Si SPAD detectors for the short‑wave
infrared", SPIE Defense +
Commercial Sensing, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (April 2019).
J. Kirdoda, D. Dumas, P. Vines, K. Kuzmenko, R.W.
Millar, G.S. Buller, and D.J. Paul,
"Ge‑on‑Si single‑photon avalanche detectors for lidar
applications", SPIE Security +
Defence 2018, Berlin, Germany (September 2018).
L. Mazzarella, R.J. Donaldson, R.J. Collins,
U. Zanforlin, G. Tatsi, G.S.
Buller, and J. Jeffers,
"A learning scheme with coherent state amplification", SPIE Security +
Defence 2018, Berlin, Germany
(September 2018).
P. Connolly, X. Ren,
A. Halimi, Y. Altmann, I. Gyongy, R. Henderson, and
G.S. Buller,
"High‑resolution depth profiling using a range‑gated CMOS SPAD quanta image
sensor", Photon 2018,
Birmingham, UK (September 2018).
R.J. Donaldson, G.S.
Buller, and A. Fedrizzi,
"Wide‑angle receiver for long‑distance free‑space quantum key
distribution", Photon 2018,
Birmingham, UK (September 2018).
A. Halimi, X. Ren,
A. McCarthy, J. Bioucas‑Dias, S. McLaughlin, and
G.S. Buller,
"Restoration of Multilayered Single‑Photon 3D LiDAR Images", IEEE Sensor
Array and Multichannel Signal
Processing Workshop (SAM), Sheffield, UK (July 2018).
L. Mazzarella, R.J. Donaldson, R.J. Collins,
U. Zanforlin, G. Tatsi, G.S.
Buller, and J. Jeffers,
"A learning scheme with coherent state amplification", Central European Workshop
on Quantum Optics, Palma de
Mallorca, Spain (May 2018).
R.A. Lamb, A.M. Pawlikowska, P.D. Hiskett,
A. Halimi, G.S.
"3D imaging and atmospheric sensing with single photon counting", SPIE Commercial
+ Scientific Sensing
and Imaging, Orlando, Florida, USA (April 2018).
J. Tachella, Y Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy,
R.A. Lamb, J.‑Y. Tourneret, S. McLaughlin, and G.S.
"Analysis of three‑dimensional scenes using photon‑starved data in cluttered
target scenarios",
SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA (April 2018).
A. Maccarone, A.
A. Halimi, J. Tachella, Y. Altmann, A.M. Wallace, S.
McLaughlin, Y. Petillot, and
G.S. Buller,
"Time‑correlated single‑photon counting for single and multiple wavelength
underwater depth
imaging", SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA (April 2018).
R. Tobin, A.
A. McCarthy, M. Laurenzis, F. Christnacher, and
G.S. Buller,
"Depth imaging through obscurants using time‑correlated single‑photon
counting", SPIE Defense and
Commercial Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA (April 2018).
U. Zanforlin, R.J.
Donaldson, L. Mazzarella,
R.J. Collins, J. Jeffers, and G.S. Buller,
"Quantum optical state comparison amplification of coherent states", SPIE
Photonics Europe, Strasbourg,
France (April 2018).
L. Mazzarella, G. Tatsi, J. Jeffers, R.J. Donaldson,
R.J. Collins, U.
Zanforlin, and,
G.S. Buller,
"Quantum state comparison amplifier with feedforward state correction", SPIE
Photonics Europe, Strasbourg,
France (April 2018).
L. Mazzarella, R.J. Donaldson, R.J. Collins,
U. Zanforlin, G. Tatsi, G.S.
Buller, and J. Jeffers,
"A learning scheme with coherent state amplification", Quantum Machine Learning
and Biomimetic Quantum
Technologies, Bilbao, Spain (March 2018).
A. Halimi, P.
X. Ren, Y. Altmann, I. Gyongy, R. K. Henderson, S.
McLaughlin, and
G.S. Buller,
"Restoration of Depth and Intensity Images using a Graph Laplacian
Regularization", IEEE International
Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi‑Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP),
Curaçao, Dutch Antilles
(December 2017).
G. S. Buller, R.
A. McCarthy, A.
X. Ren, M. Laurenzis, and F. Christnacher,
"Single photon imaging through obscurants and camouflage", 6th Workshop on Active
Imaging, Institute Saint
Louis, France (November 2017).
L. Mazzarella, R.J. Donaldson, R.J. Collins,
U. Zanforlin, G.S.
Buller, and J. Jeffers,
"State comparison amplification of optical quantum coherent states", QCrypt 2017,
Cambridge, UK (October
R.J. Donaldson, L. Mazzarella, R.J. Collins, J.
Jeffers, and G.S. Buller, "State comparison amplification of optical quantum coherent
states", QCrypt 2017,
Cambridge, UK (October 2017).
R.J. Collins, R. Amiri, M. Fujiwara, T. Honjo, K. Shimizu,
K. Tamaki, M. Takeoka,
R.J. Donaldson, M. Sasaki, E. Andersson, and
G.S. Buller,
"Photonic quantum digital signatures transmitted over a channel loss equivalent to 134
km", QCrypt 2017,
Cambridge, UK (October 2017).
A. Halimi, R.
A. McCarthy, S. McLaughlin, and G.S. Buller,
"Restoration of Multilayered Single‑Photon 3D LiDAR Images", European
Signal Processing Conference
(EUSIPCO), Kos Island, Greece, (September 2017).
Y. Altmann, R. Tobin, X.
A. McCarthy, G.S.
Buller, S. McLaughlin,
"Comparison of sampling strategies for 3D scene reconstruction from sparse multispectral
lidar waveforms",
SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (August 2017)
L. Mazzarella, R.J. Donaldson, R.J. Collins,
U. Zanforlin, G.S.
Buller, J. Jeffers,
"A state comparison amplifier with feed forward state correction", 48th Annual
Meeting of the APS Division of
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Sacramento, California, USA (June 2017).
A. Halimi, J. Bioucas‑Dias, N. Dobigeon,
G.S. Buller, and S. McLaughlin,
"Fast Hyperspectral Unmixing in Presence of Sparse Multiple Scattering
Nonlinearities" IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, U.S.A. (March 2017).
P.S. Chhabra, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy, A.M.
Wallace, G.S. Buller,
"Discriminating underwater LiDAR target signatures using sparse multi‑spectral depth
codes", Sensor
Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), Edinburgh, UK (September 2016).
A. Halimi, Y. Altmann, G.S. Buller, S.
McLaughlin, W. Oxford, D. Clarke and J. Piper, "Robust Unmixing Algorithms for
Hyperspectral Imagery,",
Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), Edinburgh, UK (September 2016).
Y. Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. Halimi,
A. McCarthy, G.S.
Buller and S. McLaughlin,
"Fast range estimation and material quantification from multispectral Lidar
waveforms", Sensor Signal
Processing for Defence (SSPD), Edinburgh, UK (September 2016).
A. Pawlikowska, Y. Altmann, A. Halimi,
G.S. Buller and R.A. Lamb,
"Long‑range 3D imaging lidar with single element and Geiger‑mode array
detectors", SPIE Security
+ Defence, Edinburgh, UK (September 2016).
A. Maccarone, A.
A. Halimi, R.
Tobin, A.M.Wallace, Y.R.
Petillot and G.S. Buller,
"Depth imaging in highly scattering underwater environments using time‑correlated
single photon
counting", SPIE Security + Defence, Edinburgh, UK (September 2016).
R.J. Collins, M. Fujiwara, R. Amiri, T. Honjo, K. Shimizu,
K. Tamaki, M. Takeoka, E.
Andersson, G.S. Buller, and M. Sasaki,
"Photonic quantum digital signatures operating over kilometer ranges in installed optical
fiber", SPIE
Security + Defence, Edinburgh, UK (September 2016).
R.J. Collins, M. Fujiwara, R. Amiri, T. Honjo, K. Shimizu,
K. Tamaki, M. Takeoka, E.
Andersson, G.S. Buller, and M. Sasaki,
"Kilometer Transmission Range Quantum Digital Signatures", QCrypt2016,
Washington, USA (September 2016).
Y. Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy,
G.S. Buller, and S. Mclaughlin,
"Joint spectral clustering and range estimation for 3D scene reconstruction using
multispectral Lidar
waveforms", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary (August
A. Halimi, Y. Altmann, A. McCarthy,
X. Ren, R. Tobin,
G.S. Buller, S. McLaughlin,
"Restoration of Intensity and Depth images Constructed Using Sparse Single‑Photon
Data", European
Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary (August 2016).
A. Halimi, G.S.
Buller, S. McLaughlin, and P.
Honeine, "Filtering Smooth Altimetric Signals Using a Bayesian Algorithm",
European Signal Processing
Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary (August 2016).
A. Halimi, P. Honeine, J. Bioucas‑Dias,
G.S. Buller, and S. McLaughlin,
"Nonlinear hyperspectral unmixing accounting for spatial illumination
variability", 8th
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Los
Angeles, USA (August 2016).
Y. Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy, G.
Newstadt, G.S. Buller, S. McLaughlin, and A. Hero,
"Robust spectral unmixing of multispectral lidar waveforms", 8th
Workshop on Hyperspectral Image
and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Los Angeles (August 2016).
R.‑B. Jin, M. Fujiwara, R. Shimizu, R.J. Collins,
G.S. Buller, T. Yamashita, S. Miki, H. Terai, M. Takeoka,
and M. Sasaki,
"Detection dependent six‑photon NOON state interference", QCMC2016,
Singapore (July 2016).
Y. Altmann, A. Maccarone, A. McCarthy,
G.S. Buller, and S. McLaughlin,
"Joint range estimation and spectral classification for 3D scene reconstruction using
multispectral Lidar
waveforms", IEEE SSP 2016, Palma de Mallorca (June 2016).
Y. Altmann, X. Ren, A.
G.S. Buller, and S. McLaughlin,
"Target detection for depth imaging using sparse single‑photon data", IEEE
Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech,
and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China (April 2016).
R.A. Lamb, A. Pawlikowska, R.M. Pilkington, P. Sinclair,
G.S. Buller,
" Measurement of Cn2 using a single‑photon avalanche diode and a Geiger‑mode
array", SPIE Defense
+ Commercial Sensing, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (April 2016)
N.R. Gemmel, A.
McCarthy, M. Kim, I. Veilleux, T.
Zhu, G.S. Buller, B. Wilson, R.H. Hadfield,
"A Compact Fiber Optic Based Singlet Oxygen Luminescence Sensor", OSA Cancer
Imaging and Therapy, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida, USA (April 2016).
K. Kleczkowska, J. Jeffers, R.J. Collins,
G.S. Buller,
"Theoretical model of an experimental quantum digital signature system",
QCrypt2015, Tokyo, Japan
(September/October 2015).
R. Amiri, I. Puthoor, P. Wallden, A. Kent J. Jeffers, E. Andersson, R.J. Donaldson,
R.J. Collins, K. Kleczkowska, G.S. Buller,
"Unconditionally secure quantum signatures", QCrypt2015, Tokyo, Japan
(September/October 2015).
R.J. Donaldson, R.J.
Collins, K. Kleczkowska, R.
Amiri, P. Wallden, V. Dunjko, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, G.S.
"Advances in Experimental Quantum Digital Signatures", QCrypt2015, Tokyo, Japan
(September/October 2015).
R.J. Donaldson, R.J.
Collins, K. Kleczkowska, R.
Amiri, P. Wallden, V. Dunjko, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, G.S.
"An in‑Fiber Experimental Approach to Photonic Quantum Digital Signatures Operating
Over Kilometer
Ranges", Single Photon Workshop 2015, Geneva, Switzerland (July 2015).
A. Maccarone, A.
X. Ren, R.E. Warburton,
A.M. Wallace, J. Moffat,
Y.R. Petillot, and G.S. Buller,
" Underwater Depth Imaging using Time‑correlated Single Photon Counting",
4th EOS Topical Meeting on
Blue Photonics — Optics in the Sea (Blue Photonics 4), Barcelona, Spain (May 2015)
S. Butera, P. Vines,
R.T Moug, K.A. Prior,
G.S. Buller,
"Passivation of low noise InAs avalanche photodiodes using II‑VI molecular beam
epitaxy overgrowth",
18th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA (September 2014)
R.J. Donaldson, R.J.
Collins, J. Jeffers, S.M.
Barnett, and G.S. Buller,
"An experimental demonstration of a simple quantum repeater for use with quantum
information systems", SPIE
Security + Defence, Amsterdam, Netherlands (September 2014)
R.J. Collins, R.J.
Donaldson, V. Dunjko, P.
Wallden, P.J. Clarke, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, and
G.S. Buller,
"An in Fiber Experimental approach to Photonic Quantum Digital Signatures That Does Not
Require Quantum
Memory", SPIE Security + Defence, Amsterdam, Netherlands (September 2014)
S. Butera, P. Vines,
R.T. Moug, K.A. Prior,
G.S. Buller, I. Sandall, C.‑H. Tan,
"Passivated InAs mesa photodiodes for infrared detection", Photon14, London, UK
(September 2014)
X. Ren, A. McCarthy,
A.M. Wallace, and
G.S. Buller,
"Multispectral single‑photon detection in time‑of‑flight depth
profiling", Photon14,
London, UK (September 2014)
R.J. Donaldson, R.J.
Collins, J. Jeffers, S.M.
Barnett, and G.S. Buller,
"An Experimental Implementation of Super Optimal Coherent State Amplification Without
Quantum Resources",
Photon14, London, UK (September 2014)
A.J. Waddie, A. McCarthy, X. Ren,
G.S. Buller, and M.R. Taghizadeh,
"Integration of Diffractive and Refractive Microlens Arrays with Low‑fill Factor
Single Photon Avalanche Diode
Detectors", Photon14, London, UK (September 2014)
R.J. Collins, R.J.
Donaldson, V. Dunjko, P.
Wallden, P.J. Clarke, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, and
G.S. Buller,
"An Experimental Implementation of Quantum Digital Signatures That Does Not Require
Quantum Memory",
Photon14, London, UK (September 2014)
N.R. Gemmel, A.
McCarthy, B. Liu, M.G. Tanner, S.
Dorenbos, V. Zwiller, M. Patterson, G.S. Buller, B. Wilson,
R.H. Hadfield,
"Singlet oxygen luminescence detection with a superconducting nanowire single‑photon
detector", Applied
Superconductivity Conference (ASC) 2014, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA (August 2014)
R.H. Hadfield, N.R. Gemmel, R. Aspden, M.G. Tanner,
A. McCarthy, X. Ren,
G.S. Buller, M.J. Padgett,
"Single photon imaging with superconducting nanowire single photon detectors",
Applied Superconductivity
Conference (ASC) 2014, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA (August 2014)
X. Ren, A. McCarthy,
A. Della Frera,
N.R. Gemmel, N.J.
Krichel, C. Scarcella, A. Ruggeri,
A. Tosi, and G.S. Buller,
"Time‑of‑flight Depth Imaging at 1550 nm Wavelength at Kilometer‑range
Distances Using an InGaAs/InP
Single‑Photon Avalanche Diode Detector ", CLEO 2014, San Jose, USA (June 2014)
A. McCarthy, X. Ren,
A. Della Frera,
N.R. Gemmel, N.J.
Krichel, C. Scarcella, A. Ruggeri,
A. Tosi, and G.S. Buller,
"Kilometer‑Range Depth Imaging Using an InGaAs/InP Single‑Photon Avalanche
Diode Detector Operating at a
Wavelength of 1550 nm", Single Photon Workshop 2013, Oak Ridge, USA (October 2013)
R.J. Collins, R.J.
Donaldson, V. Dunjko,
P.J. Clarke, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, and
G.S. Buller,
"Experimental Phase Encoded Photonic Quantum Digital Signatures", Single Photon
Workshop 2013, Oak Ridge, USA
(October 2013)
R.T. Moug, S. Butera, P.
G.S. Buller, K.A. Prior,
"Direct Growth of ZnSe and CdSe on (100) InAs substrates", 16th International
Conference on II‑VI
Compound and Related Materials (II‑VI 2013), Nagahama, Japan (September 2013)
R.J. Donaldson, R.J.
Collins, V. Dunjko,
P.J. Clarke, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, and
G.S. Buller,
"Unambiguous State Discrimination Approach to Experimental Photonic Quantum Digital
Signatures in Fiber",
SPIE Security + Defence, Dresden, Germany (September 2013)
G. Intermite, R.E.
Warburton, M. Myronov, P.
Allred, D.R. Leadley, K. Gallacher, D.J. Paul, N.J. Pilgrim, L.J.M. Lever, Z. Ikonic, R.W.
Kelsall, and
G.S. Buller,
"Design and performance of a prototype mesa‑geometry Ge‑on‑Si
single‑photon avalanche diode
detector at 1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths", The IEEE 10th International Conference on
Group IV Photonics (GFP), Seoul, Korea (August 2013)
G. Intermite, R.E.
Warburton, M. Myronov, P.
Allred, D.R. Leadley, K. Gallacher, D.J. Paul, N.J. Pilgrim, L.J.M. Lever, Z. Ikonic, R.W.
Kelsall, and
G.S. Buller,
"Ge‑on‑Si single‑photon avalanche diode near‑IR
detectors", UK Semiconductor 2013,
Sheffield, UK (July 2013)
R.J. Collins, P.J.
Clarke, V. Dunjko,
R.J. Donaldson, J. Jeffers, E. Andersson, and
G.S. Buller,
"Photonic Quantum Digital Signatures: An Experimental Test‑Bed", CLEO
2013, San Jose, USA (June
N.R. Gemmell, A.
McCarthy, B. Liu, M.G. Tanner,
S.D. Dorenbos, V. Zwiller, M.S. Patterson, G.S. Buller, B.C.
Wilson and R.H. Hadfield,
"Singlet Oxygen luminescence detection with a fibre‑coupled superconducting nanowire
detector", CLEO 2013, San Jose, USA (June 2013)
N.R. Gemmell, A.
McCarthy, B. Liu, M.G. Tanner,
S.D. Dorenbos, V. Zwiller, M.S. Patterson, G.S. Buller, B.C.
Wilson and R.H. Hadfield,
"Singlet Oxygen luminescence detection with a fibre‑coupled superconducting nanowire
detector", CLEO/Europe‑IQEC, Munich, Germany (May 2013)
A. McCarthy, N.J.
N.R. Gemmell, X. Ren,
M.G. Tanner, S.D. Dorenbos,
V. Zwiller, R.H. Hadfield, and G.S. Buller,
"Kilometre‑range, high resolution depth imaging using 1560 nm wavelength
single‑photon detection", CLEO/Europe‑IQEC, Munich, Germany (May 2013)
D.S. Tasca, M.P. Edgar, F. Izdebski, R.E. Warburton,
J. Leach, M. Agnew, G.S. Buller, R.W. Boyd, M.J. Padgett,
"High‑dimensional spatial entanglement observed with an electron multiplying CCD
camera ", SPIE
Security + Defence — Quantum‑Physics‑Based Information Security, Edinburgh, UK
(September 2012)
P.J. Clarke, R.J.
Collins, V.D. Dunjko, J.
Jeffers, E. Andersson and G.S. Buller,
"Experimental demonstration of quantum digital signatures", SPIE Security +
Defence —
Quantum‑Physics‑Based Information Security, Edinburgh, UK (September 2012)
N.R. Gemmell, A.
X. Ren, N.J. Krichel,
M.G. Tanner, R. H. Hadfield,
and G.S. Buller,
"Kilometre Range Depth Imaging at 1550nm wavelength using a Superconducting Nanowire
Single Photon Detector",
SPIE Security + Defence — Electro‑Optical Remote Sensing, Edinburgh, UK (September
S. Butera, R.E.
P. Vines, I. Sandall, P.J. Ker, C.H. Tan,
G.S. Buller,
"Towards Single Photon Avalanche Diode detectors using narrow bandgap InAs",
Photon 12, Durham, UK (September
F. Izdebski, M.P. Edgar, D.S. Tasca, R.E. Warburton,
J. Leach, M. Agnew, R.W. Boyd, M.J. Padgett, G.S. Buller,
"Observation of spatial correlated photon pairs in position and momentum with an electron
multiplying CCD
camera", Photon 12, Durham, UK (September 2012)
F. Izdebski, J. Leach, R.E.
Warburton, D.G. Ireland,
A.M. Yao, S.M. Barnett, M.J. Padgett, G.S. Buller,
"Multi‑pixel detector for photon-correlation measurements in position, transverse
momentum and intermediate
bases for an extended field of view", Photon 12, Durham, UK (September 2012)
P.J. Clarke, R.J.
Collins, V. Dunjko, J. Jeffers,
E. Andersson, G.S. Buller,
"An Experimental Demonstration of Quantum Digital Signatures", Photon 12, Durham,
UK (September 2012)
R.J. Collins, P.J.
G.S. Buller,
"Analysis of Detector Performance in a GigaHertz Clock Rate Quantum Key Distribution
System", Photon 12,
Durham, UK (September 2012)
R.J. Collins, P.J.
Clarke, V. Dunjko, J. Jeffers,
E. Andersson and G.S. Buller,
"Experimental demonstration of quantum digital signatures",Quantum Information
and Measurement (QIM), Berlin,
Germany (March 2012)
N.J. Krichel, A.
G.S. Buller,
"Time‑of‑flight depth profiling applications based on single‑photon
detection", Single
Photon Workshop 2011, Braunschweig, Germany (June 2011)
P.J. Clarke, R.J.
P.A. Hiskett, P.D. Townsend, G.S. Buller"An analysis of single‑photon
detectors in a gigahertz clock rate robust quanrtum key distribution
system",Single Photon Workshop 2011, Braunschweig, Germany (June 2011)
P.J. Clarke, R.J.
A. McCarthy, N.J.
Krichel, M‑J
Garcia‑Martinez, M.G. Tanner, J.A. O'Connor, C.M. Natarajan, S. Miki, M. Sasaki, Z. Wang, I.
Rech, M. Ghioni, A.
Gulinatti, P.A. Hiskett, R.H. Hadfield, P.D. Townsend,
G.S. Buller,
"An Analysis of Single‑photon detectors in an environmentally robust gigahertz clock
rate quantum key
distribution system", CLEO QELS 2011, Baltimore, USA (May 2011)
R.E. Warburton, J. Leach, D. Ireland, F. Izdebski,
M. Padgett, G.S. Buller,
"Full‑field quantum correlations with multi‑pixel detectors", CLEO
QELS 2011, Baltimore, USA (May
R.E. Warburton, F.
G. S. Buller, J. Leach, D Ireland and M. Padgett,
"Receiver and detection design for full field coherent quantum imaging", QEP 19,
Southampton, UK (August
N.J. Krichel, A.
McCarthy and
G.S. Buller,
"Long‑range three‑dimensional depth profiling using time‑correlated
counting", Photon 10 Southampton, UK (August 2010).
N.J. Krichel, A.
R.J. Collins and G.S.
Buller"Anti‑aliasing techniques in photon‑counting depth imaging using GHz clock
rates", SPIE Defense,
Security + Sensing, Orlando, USA (April 2010) Published as Proceedings SPIE 7681, Article
No 768108 (2010).
N.J. Krichel, A.
R.J. Collins, A.M.Wallace, and G.S. Buller"Three‑dimensional profiling of low‑signature targets using
time‑orrelated single‑photon
counting", NIST Workshop on Single and Entangled Photons: Sources, Detectors,
Components and Applications, Boulder, USA (November
R.J. Collins, P.J.
P.A. Hiskett, V.
Fernandez, M.‑J.
Garcia‑Martinez, M.N. Makhonin, J.A. Timpson, M. Hopkinson, A.M. Fox, M. Skolnick, and
G.S. Buller"Short wavelength quantum key distribution in telecommunications optical fiber",
NIST Workshop on Single and
Entangled Photons: Sources, Detectors, Components and Applications, Boulder, USA (November
R.E. Warburton, M.A. Itzler, J.S. Ng, L.J.J. Tan, J.P.R.David,
A. Krysa, C.H. Tan, A.
Marshall, Y.L. Goh, S. Zhang and G.S. Buller, "Infrared
avalanche diodes in the near‑infrared", UK Semiconductors 2009, Sheffield (July 2009)
G.S. Buller, R.J.
N.J. Krichel, A.M. Wallace and A. McCarthy,
"Scanning of low‑signature targets using time‑correlated single‑photon
counting", SPIE
Defense, Security + Sensing, Orlando, USA (April 2009) Published as Proceedings SPIE
7320, Pages 732003 1‑10
V. Fernandez, D. Arroyo, M.J. Garcia,
P.A. Hiskett, R.J.
G.S. Buller, A.B. Orue,
"Experimental quantum key distribution at a wavelength of ~850nm", RECSI,
Salamanca, Spain (September
P. Richardson, J. Arlt, A Jones, D.T. Dryden, A. McCarthy,
G.S. Buller,
"Optically trapped fluorescence lifetime sensors for local temperature measurements on the
Institute of Physics Optics and Photonics Division Conference, Edinburgh (August 2008)
R.J. Collins, K.J.
Gordon, M.N. Makhonin, R.
Oulton, J.A. Timpson, M. Hopkinson, A.M. Fox, M.S. Skolnick, and G.S. Buller,
"Single‑photon sources for optical fibre‑based quantum key distribution
systems", QEP‑18,
Edinburgh, UK (August 2008)
R.H. Hadfield, R.J. Collins, G.S. Buller, J.L.
Habif, Y. Yamamoto, H. Takesue, S. Nam,
"Quantum key distribution with superconducting nanowire single‑photon
detectors", QEP‑18,
Edinburgh, UK (August 2008)
R.E. Warburton, S.
Pellegrini, J.S. Ng, J.P.R. David,
L.J.J. Tan, A. Krysa, S. Cova, G.S. Buller,
"InGaAs/InP single‑photon avalanche diodes — Device performance and
afterpulsing analysis",
Single Photon Workshop, Turin, Italy (September 2007)
A.S. Shkolnik, K.A. Kupriyanov, L.Y. Karachinsky, S.
G.S. Buller, N.Y. Gordeev, G.G. Zegrya, V.P. Evtikhev,
"Finger‑print of the Auger recombination process in semiconductor InAs/GaAs quantum
dots", 15th
International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology, Novisibirsk, Russia (June
A. McCarthy, S.Hernandez‑Marin,
R.J. Collins, V.
Fernandez, A.M.Wallace,
G.S. Buller,
"Covert scanning of low signature targets using high speed
photon‑counting", EMRS DTC Conference,
Edinburgh (July 2007)
S. Pellegrini, R.E.
Warburton, L.J.J. Tan, J.S. Ng, A.
Krysa, K. Groom, J.P.R. David, S.D. Cova, G.S. Buller,
"A study of the afterpulsing phenomenon in InGaAs/InP single‑photon avalanche diodes
", QEP‑17
Manchester, UK (September 2006)
K.J. Gordon, J.A. Timpson, S.
R.E. Warburton, D. Sanvitto, A. Darael, P.S.S. Guimaraes, S.
Lam, D.M. Whittaker, M.S.
Skolnick, A.M. Fox, C. Hu, Y‑L. D. Ho, R. Gibson, J.G. Rarity, A. Tahraoui, M. Hopkinson,
P.W. Fry,
G.S. Buller,
"Single Quantum Dots in Semiconductor Microcavity Pillars as Single Photon
Sources", QEP‑17 Manchester,
UK (September 2006)
V. Fernandez, R.J.
K.J. Gordon, S.D. Cova, I. Rech, P.D. Townsend,
G.S. Buller,
"Passive Optical Network Approach to GigaHertz‑Clocked Multi‑User Quantum Key
QEP‑17 Manchester, UK (September 2006)
J.A. Timpson, S. Lam, D. Sanvitto, D.M. Whittaker, H. Vinck, A. Darei, P.S.S. Guimares, M.S.
Skolnick, A.M. Fox, C. Hu, Y.L.
Ho, R. Gibson, J.G. Rarity, A. Tahraoui, M. Hopkinson, P.W. Fry,
S. Pellegrini, K.J.
R.E. Warburton, G.S.
"High Q values and polarised emission from microcavity pillars with elliptical
cross‑section", CLEO
QELS, Long Beach, California (May 2006)
R.E. Warburton, S.
Pellegrini, J.P.R. David, J.S. Ng,
A. Krysa, K. Groom, L. Tan, S.D. Cova, G.S. Buller,
"Design, fabrication and characterisation of InGaAs/InP single‑photon avalanche
diode detectors", CLEO
QELS, Long Beach, California (May 2006) [physics/0605073]
R.K. Neely, A. McCarthy, S. W. Magennis,
G.S. Buller, D.P. Towers, A. Jones,
"Development of Probes and a Novel Microscope Platform for Advanced Fluorescence
Imaging", Ninth
International Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence (MAF 9): Spectroscopy,
Imaging and Probes, Lisbon,
Portugal (September 2005)
G.S. Buller, S.
R.E. Warburton, J.P.R. David, J.S. Ng, A. Krysa, K. Groom, L.
Tan, S.D. Cova,
"Fabrication and characterisation of InGaAs/InP single‑photon avalanche diode
Single‑Photon Workshop, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK (October 2005)
S. Hutchins, S.D. Cova, M. Ghioni, S. Pellegrini,
K.J. Gordon and G.S.
"Single photon detector tests for the LHC synchrotron light diagnostics", 7th
European Workshop on Beam
Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators (DIPAC), Lyon, France (June 2005)
A.S. Shkolnik, L. Ya, Karachinsky, N. Yu. Gordeev, G.G. Zegrya. K.A. Kupriyanov, V.P.Evtikhiev,
S. Pellegrini, G.S.
"Lifetime of non-equilibrium charge carriers in semiconductor InAs/GaAs Quantum
Dots", 13th International
Symposium "Nanostructures: Physics and Technology", St.Petersburg, Russia (June
V. Fernandez, K.J.
R.J. Collins, P.D. Townsend, S.D. Cova, I. Rech,
G.S. Buller,
"Quantum Key Distribution in a Multi‑User Network at Gigahertz Clock
Rates", SPIE Symposium on
Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, Sevilla, Spain (May 2005) [quant-ph/0605052]
L.J.J. Tan, J.S. Ng, J.P.R. David, A. Krysa, K.M. Groom, G.J. Rees, R.C. Tozer,
S. Pellegrini, G.S.
R.E. Warburton,
"In0.53Ga0.47As/InP APD for Single Photon Detection at
1.55µm", SIOE, Cardiff, UK
(March 2005)
K.J. Gordon, R.J.
V. Fernandez, G.S.
Buller, S.D. Cova, I. Rech,
P.D. Townsend, "Quantum Key Distribution: A Route To Absolutely Secure
Encryption", UK National Science
Week, London, UK (March 2005)
G.S. Buller, R.D.
A. McCarthy, P.A.
Hiskett, G.R. MacKinnon, G.R.
Smith, R.C.W. Sung, A.M. Wallace, R.A. Lamb, K.D. Ridley, J.G. Rarity,
"A multiple wavelength time‑of‑flight sensor based on time‑correlated
counting", Prsented at SPIE European Symposium on Optics/Photonics in Security and
Defence, London, UK (October 2004) Published
as SPIE Proceedings
S. Pellegrini, G.S.
Buller, J.M. Smith, A. Krysa,
K.M. Groom, J.S. Ng, L.J. Tan, G. Hill, J.P.R. David, G. J. Rees,
"First custom‑made InGaAs/InP single photon avalanche detector: fabrication and
QEP‑16, Glasgow, UK (September 2004)
K.J. Gordon, V.
Fernandez, P.D. Townsend, S.D.
Cova, S. Tisa, G.S. Buller,
"Quantum Key Distribution in a Multi‑User Network at Gigahertz Clock
Rates", QEP‑16, Glasgow, UK
(September 2004)
A.M. Wallace, G.S. Buller, R.D. Harkins, R.C.W.
Sung, R.A. Lamb, "Multi‑spectral Ladar for ranging and target
characterization", Optics and Photonics
2004, Glasgow, UK (September 2004)
K.J. Gordon, V.
G.S. Buller, S.D. Cova, S.Tisa and P.D. Townsend,
"Quantum key distribution in the first fibre telecommunications window", ETOS,
Cork, Ireland (July 2004)
A.S. Shkolnik, L. Ya. Karachinsky, S. Pellegrini,
G.S. Buller , N. Yu. Gordeev, B.V. Novikov, G.G. Zegrya,
V.P. Evtikhiev,
"Elementary processes determining the carrier lifetime in InAs/GaAs quantum dot
arrays", Proceedings 12th
International Symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology, St.Petersburg, Russia, Paper
QWR/QD.05o, pp. 244‑245.
(June 2004)
K.J. Gordon, V.
G.S. Buller, P.D. Townsend, S.D. Cova and S. Tisa,
"A quantum key distribution system operating at gigahertz clock rates",
CLEO/IQEC, San Francisco (May 2004)
R. Chari, I. Galbraith, J. Phillips, S. Pellegrini, C.J. Dent,
A.K. Kar,
G.S. Buller, C.R. Pidgeon, D.G. Clarke, B.N. Murdin, J.
Allam, A.F.G. van der Meer, G.
Strasser, "Excitonic signatures in photoluminescence and terahertz absorption",
CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, USA
G.S. Buller and A.M. Wallace,
"Detecting multiple returns in a laser imaging system", Photon '02, Cardiff
(September, 2002)
K.J. Gordon, P.A.
Hiskett, N. Yu. Gordeev, P.D.
Townsend, and G.S. Buller,
"Quantum Key Distribution Test Transmission System Operating at GHz Clock Rates",
Photon '02, Cardiff
(September, 2002)
A.Y. Loudon, P.A. Hiskett, G.S. Buller,
R.T.Carline, D.C. Herbert, W.Y. Leong, J.G. Rarity,
"Si/Si1‑xGex photon counting detectors for long wavelength operation", OSA
Annual Meeting, Long Beach,
California (October 2001)
P.A. Hiskett, S.
Pellegrini, P.D. Townsend and
G.S. Buller,
"80km transmission test of an InGaAs/InP SPAD‑based quantum cryptography receiver
operating at
1.55µm", The Institute of Physics Quantum Electronics and Photonics Conference,
Glasgow (September 2001)
P.A. Hisket, K.J. Gordon, N. Yu. Gordeev,
G.S. Buller and P.D. Townsend,
"16km transmission test of an silicon SPAD‑based quantum cryptography receiver
operating at 850nm", The
Institute of Physics Quantum Electronics and Photonics Conference, Glasgow (September 2001)
A.Y. Loudon, P.A. Hiskett, G.S. Buller, R.T.
Carline, D.C. Herbert, J.G. Rarity,
"Si/Si1‑xGex photon counting detectors for telecommunications
operation", The Institute of Physics Quantum Electronics and Photonics Conference,
Glasgow (September 2001)
N. Yu. Gordeev, K.J. Gordon, P.A. Hiskett, and
G.S. Buller,
"Semiconductor light sources for high bit‑rate quantum cryptography systems:
features of
application", 9th International Symposium on Nanostructures, St Petersburg, Russia
(June 2001)
P.A. Hiskett, P.D. Townsend and G.S. Buller,
"80km transmission test of an InGaAs/InP SPAD‑based quantum cryptography receiver
operating at
1.55µm", QUICK conference, Cargese, Corsica (April 2001)
S. Pellegrini, P.A.
Hiskett, J.M. Smith, P.D.
Townsend, G.S. Buller,
"Characterisation of InGaAs/InP SAGM Avalanche Photodiodes for Quantum Cryptography
Systems", QUICK
conference, Cargese, Corsica (April 2001)
S. Pellegrini, G.S.
Buller and A.M. Wallace,
"Laser Depth Measurement using Picosecond Resolution Time Correlated Single‑Photon
Counting", CLEO
Europe, Nice, France (September 2000)
J.M. Smith, G.S. Buller, A.S. Helmy, A.C. Bryce, and J.H.
"Picosecond Time‑resolved Photoluminescence Microscopy of Short Period Impurity Free
Vacancy Disordered AlGaAs
Gratings", Post‑Deadline presentation at CLEO‑Europe, Nice, France
(September 2000)
J.M. Smith, G.S. Buller, A.S. Helmy, A.C. Bryce, and J.H.
"Picosecond Time‑Resolved Photoluminescence Microscopy of Short Period Impurity Free
Vacancy Disordered AlGaAs
Gratings", IQEC, Nice, France (September 2000)
P.A. Hiskett, G.S.
Buller, I. Gontijo, A.C.
Walker, P.D. Townsend,
"High‑efficiency detection of single photons with picosecond resolution at
wavelength up to 1.6µm", OSA Annual Meeting, Santa Clara, USA (September 1999)
P.A. Hiskett, G.S.
Buller, I. Gontijo, J.M. Smith,
A.Y. Loudon, P.D. Townsend,
"High‑efficiency detection of single photons with picosecond resolution at
wavelength up to 1.6µm", The Institue of Physics Quantum Electronics Conference,
Manchester, UK (September 1999)
A. Saher Helmy, C. Ironside, A. C. Bryce, J. S. Aitchison, J. H. Marsh, I.Gontijo,
G.S. Buller, S. Karlin, I. Wilcock,
"Characterisation of the resolution of impurity free vacancy disordering in GaAs/AlGaAs
using Raman and
photoluminescence microprobes", 11th LEOS Annual Meeting, Florida (December 1998)
P.A. Hiskett, G.S.
Buller, I. Gontijo, and P.D.
"High‑efficiency Detection of Single Photons at Picosecond Resolution for use at
Wavelengths", CLEO/Europe ’98 (Glasgow, September 1998)
S.J. Fancey, M.R. Taghizadeh, G.S. Buller, M.P.Y.
Desmulliez, and A.C. Walker,
"Optical Components of the Smart‑Pixel Opto‑electronic Connection (SPOEC)
Project", Optical
Computing 1998 (Bruges, June 1998) Published SPIE 3490, pp370‑373 (1998)
G.S. Buller, P.A.
Hiskett, S.J. Fancey, I.
Gontijo, and P.D. Townsend,
"High‑efficiency Detection of Single Photons at Picosecond Resolution for use at
Wavelengths", 13th National Quantum Electronics Conference, Cardiff (September 1997)
J.S. Massa, N. Perrimon, G.S. Buller, A.C. Walker, M.
Umasuthan, and A.M. Wallace,
"A Single Photon Counting Time‑of‑Flight Imaging System", 13th
National Quantum Electronics
Conference, Cardiff (September 1997)
C. Guasch, J. Aholpelto, H. Lipsanen, M. Sopanen, , I. Gontijo, G.S. Buller, and C.M.
Sotomayor‑Torres, "Optical Characterisation of Self‑organised InGaAs/InP
Quantum Dots", CLEO,
Baltimore, USA (May 1997)
S.V. Zaitsev, A.M. Georgievski, N.Yu. Gordeev, V.I. Kopchatov, V.M. Ustinov, A.E. Zhukov, A.Yu.
Egorov, A.R. Kovsh, N.N.
Ledentsov, P.S. Kop'ev, and Zh.I. Alferov, D.Bimberg, G.S.
Buller and I. Gontijo,
"Room temperature multi‑stacked quantum dot lasers: basic components of
threshold current density",
CLEO Pacific Rim, Chiba, Japan (1997)
J.S. Massa, M. Umasuthan, A.M. Wallace, G.S. Buller, and
A.C. Walker,
"Rangefinding using Time Correlated Single Photon Counting", International
Conference on Recent Advances in
3D Digital Imaging and Modelling, Ottawa, Canada (May 1997)
C. Guasch, J. Aholpelto, H. Lipsanen, M. Sopanen, C.M. Sotomayor‑Torres, I. Gontijo, and
G.S. Buller, "Optical Characterisation of Quantum
Dots", Presented at
the International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, St. Petersburg, Russia (September
1996) Published Institute of
Physics Conference Series, No.155, pp.813‑816 (1997)
S.J. Fancey, G.S. Buller, J.S. Massa and A.C. Walker,
"Photoluminescence Decay Measurements at 1.3µm Wavelength of Low‑dimensional
Structures using Germanium
Single Photon Avalanche Diodes", Photonics '95, Prague, Czech Republic (August 1995)
G.S. Buller, J.S. Massa, S.J. Fancey, and A.C. Walker,
"Time‑resolved Photoluminescence Studies of III‑V and II‑VI Quantum Well
Structures", The
International Symposium on Nanostructures: Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia
(June 1995)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller, A.C. Walker, J. Simpson, G.
Horsburgh, J.T. Mullins, K.A.
Prior, and B.C. Cavenett,
"A Study of the Excess Carrier Dynamics in ZnSe Based Structures Grown by Molecular Beam
Epitaxy", The
International Conference on II‑VI Semiconductors, Edinburgh (August 1995)
D.T. Neilson, L.C. Wilkinson, S.J. Fancey, J.S. Massa, G.S.
Buller, I. Gontijo, A.C.
Walker, C.R. Stanley, and F. Pottier, "InGaAs/GaAlAs Quantum Well Modulators and
Detectors", The National
Quantum Electronics Conference, Southampton (September 1995)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller, A.C. Walker, J. Simpson, G.
Horsburgh, J.T. Mullins, K.A.
Prior, and B.C. Cavenett,
"A Study of Carrier Recombination in ZnSe Based Structures Grown by Molecular Beam
Epitaxy", The National
Quantum Electronics Conference, Southampton (September1995)
G.S. Buller, S.J. Fancey, J.S. Massa and A.C. Walker,
"Time‑Resolved Photoluminescence Measurements at 1.3µm Wavelength of
InGaAs/InP Multiple Quantum Well
Structures using Germanium Single‑Photon Avalanche Diodes", The National Quantum
Electronics Conference, Southampton (September 1995)
G.S. Buller, J.S. Massa, S.J. Fancey and A.C. Walker,
"Dynamic Studies of GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Modulators Using Photon Counting
Techniques", Optical
Computing '94, Edinburgh (August 1994). Published Institute of Physics Conference Series, No.
139, Part V, p515
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller, S.J. Fancey, A.C. Walker, J.
Simpson, J.T. Mullins, G.
Horsburgh, S.Y. Wang, P. Thompson, I. Hauksson, K.A. Prior and B.C. Cavenett,
"A Study of Temperature Dependent Carrier Recombination in ZnSe Based Structures Grown by
Molecular Beam
Epitaxy", CLEO '94, Anaheim, USA (May 1994)
G.S. Buller, S.J. Fancey, J.S. Massa, A.C. Walker, S.D. Cova
and A. Lacaita,
"Time‑resolved Photoluminescence Detection at 1.3µm from InGaAs/InP Multiple
Quantum Well Material using a
Picosecond Timing Germanium Avalanche Diode", presented as post‑deadline paper at
the Eleventh National Quantum Electronics Conference, Belfast (August 1993)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller, S.J. Fancey, A.C. Walker, I.
Hauksson, J. Simpson, K.A. Prior,
and B.C. Cavenett, "A Study of Carrier Recombination in Doped ZnSe Grown by Molecular Beam
Epitaxy", The
Fourth European Quantum Electronics Conference, Firenze, Italy (September 1993)
G.S. Buller, J.S. Massa, S.J. Fancey and A.C. Walker,
"Studies of GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Modulators Using Photon Counting
Techniques", The Eleventh
National Quantum Electronics Conference, Belfast (August 1993)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller, S.J. Fancey, and A.C. Walker,
"A Study of Carrier Sweep‑out in Biased Multiple Quantum Well p‑i‑n
Structures using
Time‑resolved Photoluminescence", IEE Colloquium on Applications of Quantum Well
Technologies, London, (March 1993)
D.J. Goodwill, J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller, S.J. Fancey and A.
"Saturation and carrier sweep‑out in electro‑absorptive GaAs‑GaAlAs MQW
diodes", The OSA
Topical Meeting on Quantum Optoelectronics, Palm Springs, USA (March 1993)
G.S. Buller, J.S. Massa, F.A.P. Tooley, S. Wakelin, and A.C.
"Picosecond Time‑correlated Single Photon Counting Measurements of Symmetric Self
Electrooptic Effect Device
Switching", IEE Colloquium on Measurements of Optical Devices, London (November 1992)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller and A.C. Walker,
"Picosecond Time‑Resolved Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of III‑V and
II‑VI Semiconductor
Structures", Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
(September 1992)
G.S. Buller, J.S. Massa, T.A. Louis, A.C. Walker, J.R.
Gilchrist and R.B. Dennis,
"Picosecond Time‑resolved Photoluminescence Spectroscopy in the Visible and
presented at the Third European Quantum Electronics Conference, Heriot‑Watt University
(August 1991)