S. Scholes, E. Wade , A. McCarthy , J. García-Armenta , R. Tobin , P. J. Soan, G. S. Buller , and J. Leach, "Robust framework for modelling long range dToF SPAD Lidar performance " , Opt. Express, 32,
pp. 47735-47756 (2024).
E. Eso , C. Simmons ,
G. S. Buller , and
R. Donaldson , "Impact of visibility limiting conditions on satellite and high-altitude platform quantum key distribution links " , Opt. Express, 32, 26776-26792 (2024).
F. Fleming , X. Yi , M. M. A. Mirza, X. Jin, J. Kirdoda, D. C. S. Dumas, L. Saalbach , M. Modak , D. A. S. Muir , C. Smith, C. Coughlan, Q. Tian, R. W. Millar, J. P. R. David, D. J. Paul and
G. S. Buller , "Surface-normal illuminated pseudo-planar Ge-on-Si avalanche photodiodes with high gain and low noise " , Optica, Vol. 32, Issue 11
pp. 19449-19457 (2024).
A. Lee , A. T. Castillo , C. Whitehill, and
R. J. Donaldson , "The impact of spot-size on single-photon avalanche diode timing-jitter and quantum key distribution " , IET Quant. Comm V,
pp. 2632-8925 (2024).
A. T. Castillo , U.
Zanforlin , G. Buller ,
R. J. Donaldson , "Experimental demonstration of a reconfigurable free-space receiver
implementing polarization routing and filtering for daytime quantum key
distribution " , Optics Express Vol 31 ,
Issue 24, pp. 40317-40327 (2023).
X. Yi , Z. Greener , F. Fleming , J. Kirdoda, D. C. S. Dumas, L. Saalach , D. A. S. Muir, L. Ferre-Llin, R. W. Millar, D. J.
Paul, and G. S. Buller , "Afterpulsing in
Ge-on-Si Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes " , IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol
35 ,
No. 17, pp. 959-962 (2023).
M. A. A. Belmekki, Jonathan Leach, R. Tobin , G. S. Buller , S. McLaughlin, and A. Halimi , "3D target detection and spectral
classification for single-photon LiDAR data " , Optics Express Vol 31 ,
Issue 15, pp. 23729-23745 (2023).
Y. Noblet , and R. J.
Donaldson ,"BB84 quantum
key distribution transmitter utilising broadband sources and a narrow spectral
filter " , Optics Express Vol 31 ,
Issue 9, pp. 15145-15155 (2023).
D. Yao, P. W. R. Connolly , A. J. Sykes , Y. D. Shah, C. Accarino, J. Grant, D. R. S.
Cumming, G. S. Buller , S. McLaughlin, and Y. Altmann
"Rapid single-photon color
imaging of moving objects " , Optics Express Vol 31 ,
Issue 16, pp. 26610-26625 (2023).
U. Zanforlin , G. Tatsi, J. Jeffers, and G. S. Buller , "Covert
information sharing via ghost displacement " , Physical Review A 107 ,
Article Number 022619 (2023).
R. Hadfield, J. Leach, F. Fleming , D. Paul,
C. Tan, J. Shein Ng, R. Henderson
and G. S. Buller , "Single-photon detection for long-range imaging and sensing " ,
Optica Vol
10 , Issue 9, pp. 1124-1141 (2023).
A. Maccarone , K. Drummond, A. McCarthy , U.
Steinlehner ,
J. Tachella, D. Aguirre Garcia, A. Pawlikowska, R. Lamb, R. Henderson, S. McLaughlin, Y. Altmann
and G. S. Buller , "Submerged single-photon LiDAR imaging sensor used for real-time 3D scene
reconstruction in scattering underwater environments " , Optics Express Vol
31 , Issue 10, pp. 16690-16708 (2023).
C. Simmons and R. J.
Donaldson , "Multicore
fiber beacon system for reducing back-reflection in satellite quantum key
distribution " , Optics Express Vol 31 ,
Issue 14, pp. 23382-23392 (2023).
A. Lee, A. T. Castillo , C. Whitehill, and R. J. Donaldson , "Quantum bit error rate timing jitter
dependency on multi-mode fibers " , Optics Express Vol 31 ,
Issue 4, pp. 6076-6087 (2023).
A. T. Castillo , and R. J.
Donaldson ,
"Time-division technique for
quantum optical receivers utilizing single-photon detector array technology and
spatial-multiplexing " , Optics Express Vol 30 , Issue 25, pp. 44365-44374
U. Zanforlin , C. Lupo, P. W R
Connolly , P. Kok,
G. S. Buller , and Z. Huang,
"Optical quantum
super‑resolution imaging and hypothesis
testing " , Nature Communications 13 , Article Number 5373 (2022).
G. Tatsi, D. W. Canning , U.
Zanforlin , L. Mazzarella,
J. Jeffers, and G. S. Buller ,
"Manipulating thermal
light via displaced‑photon subtraction " , Physical Review A 105 ,
Article number 053701 (2022).
A. T. Castillo , E.
Eso , and
R. J. Donaldson ,
"In‑lab demonstration of
coherent one‑way protocol over free space with turbulence simulation " ,
Optics Express 30 (7), pp. 11671‑11683 (2022).
M. A. A. Belmekki, R. Tobin , G. S. Buller , S. McLaughlin, and A. Halimi ,
task-based adaptive sampling for 3D single-photon multispectral LiDAR data " ,
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging Vol 8 , pp. 174-187 (2022).
Fiona Thorburn , Xin Yi ,
Zoë M Greener , Jarosław Kirdoda, Ross W. Millar,
Laura L. Huddleston , Douglas J. Paul and
Gerald S. Buller ,
single‑photon avalanche diode detectors for short‑wave infrared
wavelengths " , Journal of Physics: Photonics, 4 (1), (2021).
Abderrahim Halimi , Aurora Maccarone , Robert A.
Lamb, Gerald S. Buller , Stephen McLaughlin,
"Robust and Guided
Bayesian Reconstruction of Single‑Photon 3D Lidar Data: Application to
Multispectral and
Underwater Imaging " , IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7 ,
961‑974 (2021).
Kexin Wang, Xinke Tang, Adrian Wonfor, Robert John Collins ,
Gerald S. Buller , Richard V. Penty, Ian H. White, and Xu
Data Transmission in an Installed Optical Link Encrypted Using Physical Layer Security Seeded
Quantum Key Distribution " , Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 , 19,
6130‑6141 (2021).
Maccarone A. , Acconcia G., Steinlehner U. , Labanca
I., Newborough D., Rech I. and Buller G.S. ,
Single‑Photon Avalanche Diode Linear Detector Array for Underwater Depth
Imaging " , Sensors 2021 , 21, 4850 (2021).
Rachael Tobin , Abderrahim Halimi ,
Aongus McCarthy , Philip J. Soan and
Gerald S. Buller ,
real‑time 3D imaging of moving scenes through atmospheric obscurant using
single‑photon LiDAR " , Scientific Reports 11 , Article number:
11236 (2021).
Peter W. R. Connolly , Jessica Valli, Yash D. Shah, Yoann
Altmann, James Grant, Claudio
Accarino, Colin Rickman, David R. S. Cumming and Gerald S.
Buller ,
multi‑spectral, single‑photon fluorescence imaging using a plasmonic colour filter
array " , Journal of Biophotonics (2021).
Quentin Legros, Julián Tachella, Rachael Tobin ,
Aongus Mccarthy , Sylvain Meignen,
Gerald S. Buller , Yoann Altmann, Stephen Mclaughlin and
Michael E. Davies,
"Robust 3D
Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes From Single‑Photon Lidar Using
Beta‑Divergences " , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30
pp. 1716‑1727 (2021).
Ross Donaldson , Dmytro Kundys, Aurora Maccarone ,
Robert Henderson, Gerald S. Buller , and Alessandro Fedrizzi,
"Towards combined quantum bit
detection and spatial tracking using an arrayed single‑photon sensor " ,
Optics Express 29 (6), pp. 8181‑8198 (2021).
Lourdes Ferre Llin, Jarosław Kirdoda, Fiona Thorburn ,
Laura L. Huddleston , Zoë
M. Greener ,
Kateryna Kuzmenko , Peter
Vines , Derek C. S.
Dumas, Ross W. Millar, Gerald S. Buller , and Douglas J.
"High sensitivity
Ge‑on‑Si single‑photon avalanche diode detectors " , Optics
Letters 45 (23), pp. 6406‑6409 (2020).
Andrew M. Wallace, Abderrahim Halimi , and
Gerald S. Buller ,
"Full Waveform LiDAR
for Adverse Weather Conditions " , IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
(7) pp. 7064‑7077 (2020).
Yash D. Shah, Peter W. R. Connolly , James P. Grant, Danni Hao,
Claudio Accarino,
Ximing Ren , Mitchell Kenney, Valerio Annese, Kirsty G. Rew,
Zoë M. Greener , Yoann Altmann, Daniele Faccio,
Gerald S. Buller , and David R. S. Cumming,
"Ultralow‑light‑level color image reconstruction using
high‑efficiency plasmonic metasurface mosaic
filters " , Optica 7 (6), pp. 632‑639 (2020).
Peter W. R. Connolly , Ximing
Ren ,
Aongus McCarthy , Hanning Mai, Federica Villa, Andrew J.
Waddie, Mohammad R. Taghizadeh,
Alberto Tosi, Franco Zappa, Robert K. Henderson, and Gerald S.
Buller ,
"High concentration factor
diffractive microlenses integrated with CMOS single‑photon avalanche diode detector
arrays for fill‑factor improvement " , Applied Optics 59 (14) pp.
4488‑4498 (2020).
Kateryna Kuzmenko , Peter
Vines ,
Abderrahim Halimi , Robert J. Collins ,
Aurora Maccarone , Aongus
McCarthy ,
Zoë M. Greener , Jarosław Kirdoda, Derek C. S. Dumas,
Lourdes Ferre Llin, Muhammad
M. Mirza, Ross W. Millar, Douglas J. Paul, and Gerald S.
Buller ,
"3D LIDAR imaging using
Ge‑on‑Si single‑photon avalanche diode detectors " , Optics
express 28 (2) pp. 1330‑1344 (2020).
Songmao Chen , Abderrahim Halimi ,
Ximing Ren , Aongus
McCarthy , Xiuqin Su, Stephen
McLaughlin, and Gerald S. Buller ,
Non‑Local Spatial Correlations To Restore Sparse 3D Single‑Photon
Data " , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29 pp. 3119‑3131
Julián Tachella, Yoann Altmann, Nicolas Mellado, Aongus
McCarthy ,
Rachael Tobin , Gerald S.
Buller , Jean‑Yves
Tourneret & Stephen McLaughlin,
"Real‑time 3D
reconstruction from single‑photon lidar data using plug‑and‑play point cloud
denoisers " , Nat. Commun. 10 , 4984 (2019).
David W. Canning , Ross J.
Donaldson , Sebabrata
Mukherjee, Robert J. Collins , Luca Mazzarella,
Ugo Zanforlin , John Jeffers, Robert R. Thomson, and
Gerald S. Buller ,
"On‑chip implementation of the
probabilistic quantum optical state comparison amplifier " , Optics Express
27 (22), pp. 31713‑31726 (2019).
Aurora Maccarone , Francesco Mattioli Della Rocca,
Aongus McCarthy , Robert Henderson, and
Gerald S. Buller ,
"Three‑dimensional imaging of
stationary and moving targets in turbid underwater environments using a
single‑photon detector array " , Optics Express 27 (20), pp.
28437‑28456 (2019).
Ross J. Donaldson , Luca Mazzarella, Ugo Zanforlin ,
Robert J. Collins , John Jeffers, and
Gerald S. Buller ,
"Quantum state correction using a
measurement‑based feedforward mechanism " , Physical Review A 100 ,
Article Number 023840 (2019).
Abderrahim Halimi , Rachael Tobin ,
Aongus McCarthy , Jose M. Bioucas‑Dias, Stephen
Gerald Stuart Buller ,
Restoration of Sparse Multidimensional Single-Photon LiDAR Images " , IEEE
Transactions on Computational Imaging (2019).
Peter Connolly , Ximing
Ren , Robert Henderson and
Gerald Buller ,
"Hot pixel classification of
single‑photon avalanche diode detector arrays using a log‑normal statistical
distribution " , Electronics Letters 55 (18), pp 1004‑1006 (2019).
Susan Chan, Abderrahim Halimi , Feng Zhu, Istvan Gyongy,
Robert K. Henderson, Richard
Bowman, Stephen McLaughlin, Gerald S. Buller & Jonathan
"Long‑range depth
imaging using a single‑photon detector array and non‑local data
fusion " , Scientific Reports 9 , Article number: 8075 (2019).
U. Zanforlin , R.J.
Donaldson ,
R.J. Collins and G.S.
Buller ,
"Analysis of the effects of
imperfections in an optical heterodyne quantum random‑number generator " ,
Physical Review A 99 , Article Number 052305 (2019).
J. Tachella, Y. Altmann, X. Ren , A. McCarthy ,
G.S. Buller , S. McLaughlin, and J.‑Y. Tourneret,
"Bayesian 3D Reconstruction of Complex Scenes
from Single‑Photon Lidar Data " , SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 12 (1),
521‑550 (2019).
P. Vines , K.
Kuzmenko , J. Kirdoda, D.C.S. Dumas,
M.M. Mirza, R.W. Millar, D.J. Paul, and G.S. Buller ,
"High performance planar
germanium‑on‑silicon single‑photon avalanche diode detectors " ,
Nat. Commun. 10 , 1086 (2019).
R. Tobin , A.
Halimi ,
A. McCarthy , M. Laurenzis, F. Christnacher, and
G.S. Buller ,
single‑photon imaging through obscurants " , Optics Express 27 (4), pp
4590‑4611 (2019).
X. Zang, F. Dong, F. Yue, C. Zhang, L. Xu, Z. Song, M. Chen, P. Chen, G.S. Buller , Y.
Zhu, S. Zhuang, W. Chu, S. Zhang, X. Chen,
"Polarization Encoded Color Image
Embedded in a Dielectric Metasurface " , Adv. Materials, 30, 1707499 (2018).
X. Ren , Y. Altmann, R.
Tobin ,
A. McCarthy , S. Mclaughlin, and G.S. Buller ,
"Wavelength‑time coding for
multispectral 3D imaging using single‑photon LiDAR " , Optics Express
26 (23), pp 30146‑30161 (2018).
R.J. Donaldson , L. Mazzarella, R.J. Collins ,
J.Jeffers, and G.S. Buller ,
"A high‑gain and
high‑fidelity coherent state comparison amplifier " , Communications Physics
1 , Article number 54 (2018).
Y. Altmann, A. Maccarone , A. McCarthy , S.
McLaughlin, and G.S. Buller ,
"Spectral classification of sparse photon
depth images " ,
Optics Express 26 (5), pp 5514‑5530 (2018).
X. Ren , P.W.R. Connolly ,
A. Halimi , Y. Altmann, S. McLaughlin, I. Gyongy, R.K.
Henderson, and
G.S. Buller ,
"High‑resolution depth profiling
using a range‑gated CMOS SPAD quanta image sensor " , Optics Express
26 (5), pp 5541‑5557 (2018).
R. Tobin , A.
Halimi ,
A. McCarthy , X. Ren ,
K. McEwan, S. McLaughlin, and
G.S. Buller ,
"Long‑range depth profiling of
camouflaged targets using single‑photon detection " , Optical Engineering
57 (3), 031303 (2017).
R. Tobin , Y. Altmann, X.
Ren ,
A. McCarthy , R.A. Lamb, S. McLaughlin, and
G.S. Buller ,
"Comparative study of sampling
strategies for sparse photon multispectral Lidar imaging: towards mosaic filter
arrays " , Journal of Optics 19 (9), Article Number: 094006 (2017).
R.J. Collins , R. Amiri, M. Fujiwara, T. Honjo, K. Shimizu,
K. Tamaki, M. Takeoka, M.
Sasaki, E. Andersson, G.S. Buller ,
"Experimental demonstration of
quantum digital signatures over 43 dB channel loss using differential phase shift quantum
key distribution " , Scientific Reports 7 , Article number: 3235 (2017).
Y. Altmann, A. Maccarone , A. McCarthy , G.
Newstadt, G.S. Buller , S. McLaughlin, and A. Hero,
"Robust Spectral Unmixing of Sparse
Multispectral Lidar Waveforms using Gamma Markov Random Fields " , IEEE
Transactions on Computational Imaging 3 (4), pp 658‑670 (2017).
F. Zhu, A. Halimi , P. Honeine, B. Chen, and N. Zheng,
"Correntropy Maximization via ADMM
‑ Application to Robust Hyperspectral Unmixing " , IEEE Transactions on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2017).
A. Pawlikowska , A.
Halimi , R.A. Lamb, and
G.S. Buller ,
"Single‑photon three‑dimensional
imaging at up to 10 kilometers range " , Optics Express 25 (10), pp.
11919‑11931 (2017).
A. Halimi , A.
McCarthy , S. McLaughlin, and
G.S. Buller ,
"Object Depth Profile and Reflectivity
Restoration from Sparse Single‑Photon Data Acquired in Underwater
Environments " , IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 3 (3), pp
472‑484 (2017).
A. Halimi , J.M. Bioucas‑Dias, N. Dobigeon,
G.S. Buller , and S. McLaughlin,
"Fast Hyperspectral Unmixing in
Presence of Nonlinearity or Mismodelling Effects " , IEEE Transactions on
Computational Imaging 3 (2), pp146‑159, (2017).
A. Halimi , G.S.
Buller , S. McLaughlin, and P.
"Denoising Smooth Signals Using a
Bayesian Approach: Application to Altimetry " , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics
in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 10 (4), pp 1278‑1289 (2017).
Y. Altmann, X. Ren , A.
McCarthy ,
G.S. Buller , and S. McLaughlin,
"Robust Bayesian Target Detection
Algorithm for Depth Imaging From Sparse Single‑Photon Data " , IEEE
Transactions on Computational Imaging 2 (4), pp 456‑467 (2016).
M.M. Kim, R. Penjweini, N.R. Gemmell , I. Veilleux,
A. McCarthy , G.S.
Buller , R.H. Hadfield, B.C.
Wilson, and T.C. Zhu,
"A Comparison of Singlet Oxygen Explicit
Dosimetry (SOED) and Singlet Oxygen Luminescence Dosimetry (SOLD) for
Photofrin‑Mediated Photodynamic Therapy " , Cancers 8 (12),
Article: 109 (2016).
R.J. Collins , R. Amiri, M. Fujiwara, T. Honjo, K. Shimizu,
K. Tamaki, M. Takeoka, E.
Andersson, G.S. Buller , M. Sasaki,
"Experimental transmission of quantum
digital signatures over 90 km of installed optical fiber using a differential phase
shift quantum key distribution system " , Optics Letters 41 (21), pp
4883‑4886 (2016).
N.R. Gemmell , A.
McCarthy , M.M. Kim, I. Veilleux,
T.C. Zhu, G.S. Buller , B.C. Wilson, R.H. Hadfield,
"A compact fiber‑optic
probe‑based singlet oxygen luminescence detection system " , Journal of
Biophotonics 1‑7 (2016).
R.‑B. Jin, M. Fujiwara, R. Shimizu, R.J. Collins ,
G.S. Buller , T. Yamashita, S. Miki, H. Terai, M. Takeoka,
and M. Sasaki,
"Detection‑dependent six‑photon
Holland‑Burnett state interference " , Scientific Reports 6 , Article
number 36914 (2016).
Y. Altmann, X. Ren , A.
McCarthy ,
G.S. Buller , and S. McLaughlin,
"Lidar Waveform‑Based Analysis
of Depth Images Constructed Using Sparse Single‑Photon Data " , IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing 25 (5), pp 1935‑1946 (2016).
S. Butera , P. Vines , I.
Sandall, C.‑H. Tan,
and G.S. Buller ,
"Picosecond laser ranging at wavelengths
up to 2.4 μm using an InAs avalanche photodiode " , Electronics Letters
52 (5), pp 385‑386 (2016).
A.V. Gleim, V.I. Egorov, Yu.V. Nazarov, S.V. Smirnov, V.V. Chistyakov, O.I. Bannik, A.A. Anisimov,
S.M. Kynev, A.E. Ivanova,
R.J. Collins , S.A. Kozlov, and G.S. Buller ,
"Secure polarization‑independent
subcarrier quantum key distribution in optical fiber channel using BB84 protocol
with a strong reference " , Optics Express 24 (3), pp 2619‑2633 (2016).
R.J. Donaldson , R.J.
Collins , K. Kleczkowska, R.
Amiri, P. Wallden, V. Dunjko, J. Jeffers, E. Andersson, and G.S.
Buller ,
"Experimental demonstration of
kilometer‑range quantum digital signatures " , Physical Review A
93 (1), Article Number 012329 (2016).
G. Intermite , A.
McCarthy ,
R.E. Warburton , X. Ren ,
F. Villa, R. Lussana, A.J.
Waddie, M.R. Taghizadeh, A. Tosi, F. Zappa, and G.S. Buller ,
"Fill‑factor improvement of Si CMOS
single‑photon avalanche diode detector arrays by integration of
diffractive microlens arrays " , Optics Express 23 (26), 33777‑33791
A. Maccarone , A.
McCarthy ,
X. Ren , R.E. Warburton ,
A.M. Wallace, J. Moffat, Y.
Petillot, and G.S. Buller ,
"Underwater depth imaging using
time‑correlated single‑photon counting " , Optics Express
23 (26), 33911‑33926 (2015).
R.S. Aspden, N.R. Gemmell , P.A. Morris, D.S. Tasca, L.
Mertens, M.G. Tanner, R.A.
Kirkwood, A. Ruggeri, A. Tosi, R.W. Boyd, G.S. Buller , R.H.
Hadfield, and Miles J.
"Photon‑sparse microscopy:
visible light imaging using infrared illumination " , Optica 2 (12),
1049‑1052 (2015)
R.J. Donaldson , R.J.
Collins , E. Eleftheriadou,
S.M. Barnett, J. Jeffers, and G.S. Buller ,
"Experimental Implementation of
a Quantum Optical State Comparison Amplifier " , Physical Review Letters
114 (12), Article Number 120505 (2015)
G. Gariepy, N. Krstajić, R. Henderson, C. Li, R.R. Thomson, G.S. Buller , B.
Heshmat, R. Raskar, J. Leach, and D. Faccio,
"Single‑photon sensitive
light‑in‑flight imaging " , Nature Communications 6 , Article
number: 6021 (2015)
D. Wen, F. Yue, S. Kumar, Y. Ma, M. Chen, X. Ren , P.E.
Kremer, B.D. Gerardot, M.R
Taghizadeh, G.S. Buller , X. Chen,
"Metasurfaces for characterization of the
polarization state of light " , Optics Express 23 (8), pp 10272‑10281
R.J. Collins , R.J.
Donaldson , V. Dunjko, P.
Wallden, E. Andersson, J. Jeffers, and G.S. Buller ,
"Realization of Quantum Digital
Signatures without the requirement of quantum memory " , Physical Review Letters
113 , Article Number: 040502 (2014).
M. Bennet, A. McCarthy , D. Fix, M.R. Edwards, F. Repp, P.
Vach, J.W.C. Dunlop, M. Sitti,
G.S. Buller , S. Klumpp, D. Faivre,
"Influence of Magnetic Fields on
Magneto-Aerotaxis " , PLOS ONE 9 (7), Article Number: e101150 (2014)
S. Butera , R.T Moug, P.
Vines ,
G.S. Buller , and K.A. Prior,
"Direct growth of ZnSe and CdSe on
(100) InAs substrates " , Physica Status Solidi C 11 (7‑8), pp
1210‑1212 (2014)
A.M. Wallace, A. McCarthy , C.J. Nichol, X. Ren , S.
Morak, D Martinez‑Ramirez, I.H. Woodhouse, and G.S.
Buller ,
"Design and Evaluation of
Multispectral LiDAR for the Recovery of Arboreal Parameters " , IEEE Transactions
on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (8), pp 4942‑4954 (2014).
R.E. Warburton , G.
Intermite , M. Myronov, P.
Allred, D.R. Leadley, K. Gallacher, D.J. Paul, N.J. Pilgrim, L.J.M. Lever, Z. Ikonic, R.W.
Kelsall, E. Huante-Cerón, A.P.
Knights, and G.S. Buller ,
"Ge-on-Si Single-Photon Avalanche
Diode Detectors:Design, Modeling, Fabrication, and Characterization at Wavelengths 1310
and 1550 nm " , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 60 (11), pp 1-7 (2013).
A. McCarthy , X. Ren ,
A.D. Frera,
N.R. Gemmell , N.J.
Krichel , C. Scarcella, A.
Ruggeri, A. Tosi, and G.S. Buller ,
"Kilometer‑range depth imaging at
1550 nm wavelength using an InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche diode detector " ,
Optics Express, 21 (19), pp 22098-22113 (2013)
D.S. Tasca, M.P. Edgar, F. Izdebski , G.S. Buller ,
and M.J. Padgett,
"Optimizing the use of detector
arrays for measuring intensity correlations of photon pairs " , Physical Review A
88 (1), Article ID 013816 (2013)
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A. McCarthy , N.J.
Krichel ,
N.R. Gemmell , X. Ren ,
M.G. Tanner, S.D. Dorenbos,
V. Zwiller, R.H. Hadfield and G.S. Buller ,
"Kilometer‑range, high resolution
depth imaging via 1560 nm wavelength single‑photon detection " , Optics
Express, 21 (7), pp 8904‑8914 (2013)
N.R. Gemmell , A.
McCarthy , B. Liu, M.G. Tanner,
S.D. Dorenbos, V. Zwiller, M.S. Patterson, G.S. Buller , B.C.
Wilson and R.H. Hadfield,
"Singlet oxygen luminescence detection
with a fiber‑coupled superconducting nanowire single‑photon
detector " , Optics Express, 21 (4), pp 5005‑5013 (2013)
P.J. Clarke , R.J.
Collins , V. Dunjko, E.
Andersson, J. Jeffers and G.S. Buller ,
"Experimental demonstration of quantum
digital signatures using phase‑encoded coherent states of light " , Nature
Communications, 3 Article number: 1174 (2012)
M.P. Edgar, D.S. Tasca, F. Izdebski , R.E. Warburton ,
J. Leach, M. Agnew, G.S. Buller , R.W. Boyd and M.J.
Padgett,"Imaging high‑dimensional
spatial entanglement with a camera " , Nature Communications, 3 , Article
number: 984 (2012)
J. Leach, R.E. Warburton , D.G. Ireland, F. Izdebski ,
S.M. Barnett, A.M. Yao, G.S. Buller and M.J. Padgett,
"Quantum correlations in position,
momentum, and intermediate bases for a full optical field of view " , Physical
Review A, 85 , Article ID 013827 (2012)
P.J. Clarke , R.J.
Collins ,
P.A. Hiskett , M.-J. García-Martínez, N.J. Krichel ,
A. McCarthy , M.G. Tanner, J.A. O’Connor, C.M. Natarajan, S.
Miki, M. Sasaki, Z. Wang, M.
Fujiwara, I. Rech, M. Ghioni, A. Gulinatti, R.H. Hadfield, P.D. Townsend and
G.S. Buller ,
"Analysis of detector
performance in a gigahertz clock rate quantum key distribution system " , New
Journal of Physics 13 (7), Article ID 075008 (2011)
A.C. Dada, J. Leach, G.S. Buller , M.J. Padgett and E.
"Experimental high‑dimensional
two‑photon entanglement and violations of generalized Bell inequalities " ,
Nature Physics, 7 , pp 677‑680 (2011)
J.A. O'Connor, M.G. Tanner, C.M. Natarajan, G.S. Buller ,
R.J. Warburton, S. Miki, Z.
Wang, S.W. Nam and R.H. Hadfield,
"Spatial dependence of output pulse delay in
a niobium nitride nanowire superconducting single‑photon detector " , Applied
Physics Letters, 98 (20), Article ID 201116 (2011)
P.J. Clarke , R.J.
Collins ,
P.A. Hiskett , P.D. Townsend and G.S. Buller ,
"Robust GHz fiber quantum key
distribution " , Applied
Physics Letters, 98 (13), Article ID 131103 (2011)
N.J. Krichel , A.
McCarthy , I. Rech, M. Ghioni, A.
Gulinatti, G.S. Buller ,
"Cumulative data acquisition in
comparative photon‑counting three‑dimensional imaging ", Journal of
Modern Optics, 58 (3&4), pp 244‑256 (2011)
R.E. Warburton , F.
Izdebski , C. Reimer, J. Leach,
D.G. Ireland, M. Padgett, and G.S. Buller ,
"Single‑photon position to time
multiplexing using a fiber array " , Optics Express, 19 (3), pp
2670‑2675 (2011)
A.M. Wallace, J. Ye, N.J. Krichel , A. McCarthy ,
R.J. Collins and G.S.
Buller ,
"Full waveform analysis for
long‑range 3D imaging laser radar " , EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal
Processing, 2010 , Article ID 896708 (2010)
N.J. Krichel , A.
McCarthy and
G.S. Buller ,
"Resolving range ambiguity in a photon
counting depth imager operating at kilometer distances " , Optics Express,
18 (9), pp 9192-9206 (2010)
R.J. Collins , P.J.
Clarke ,
V. Fernandez , K.J.
Gordon , M.N. Makhonin, J.A.
Timpson, A. Tahraoui, M. Hopkinson, A.M. Fox, M.S. Skolnick and G.S. Buller ,
"Quantum key distribution system in standard
telecommunications fiber using a short wavelength single photon source " , Journal
of Applied Physics, 107 (7), 073102 (2010) [arXiv:1004.4754v1]
R.J. Collins , R.H. Hadfield and G.S. Buller ,
"New developments in single photon detection
in the short wavelength infrared regime " , SPIE Journal of Nanophotonics,
4 , 040301 (2010) [Invited paper]
G.S. Buller and R.J.
Collins ,
"Single‑photon generation
and detection " ,
Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, 21 , 012002 (2010) [Invited paper]
A. McCarthy , R.J.
Collins ,
N.J. Krichel , V.
Fernandez , A.M. Wallace and
G.S. Buller ,
time‑of‑flight scanning sensor based on high‑speed time‑correlated
single‑photon counting " , Applied Optics, 48 (32), pp 6241‑6251
R.E. Warburton , M. Itzler and G.S. Buller ,
"Improved free‑running InGaAs/InP
single‑photon avalanche diode detectors operating at room temperature " ,
Electronics Letters, 45 (19), pp 996‑997 (2009)
R.E. Warburton , M. Itzler and G.S. Buller ,
"Free-running, room temperature operation of
an InGaAs/InP single‑photon avalanche diode " , Applied Physics Letters,
94 (7), Article No 071116 (2009)
P.A. Hiskett , C.S.
Parry ,
A. McCarthy and G.S.
Buller ,
""A photon‑counting
time‑of‑flight ranging technique developed for the avoidance of range ambiguity at
gigahertz clock rates" " , Optics Express, 16 (18), pp.13685–13698 (2008).
A.S. Shkolnik, A.V. Savelyev, L.Y. Karachinsky, N.Y. Gordeev, R.P. Seisyan, G.G. Zegrya,
S. Pellegrini , G.S.
Buller and V.P. Evtikhiev,
"The role of transport processes of
nonequilibrium charge carriers in radiative properties of arrays of InAs/GaAs quantum
dots " , Semiconductors, 42 (3), pp 291‑297 (2008)
A.K. Jha, B. Jack, E. Yao, J. Leach, R.W. Boyd, G.S. Buller ,
S.M. Barnett, S.
Franke‑Arnold and M.J. Padgett,
"Fourier relationship between the
angle and angular momentum of entangled photons " , Physical Review A,
78 (4), Article No 043810 (2008)
R.E. Warburton , A.
McCarthy , A.M. Wallace, S.
Hernandez‑Marin, S.D. Cova, R.A. Lamb and G.S. Buller ,
"Enhanced performance
photon‑counting time‑of‑flight sensor " , Optics Express,
15 (2), pp 423‑429 (2007)
R.J. Collins , R.H. Hadfield, V. Fernandez , S.W.
Nam and G.S. Buller ,
"Low timing jitter detector for gigahertz
quantum key distribution " , Electronics Letters, 43 (3), pp 180‑182,
V. Fernandez , R.J.
Collins ,
K.J. Gordon , P.D. Townsend and G.S. Buller ,
"Passive optical network approach to
gigahertz‑clocked multiuser quantum key distribution " , IEEE Journal of
Quantum Electronics, 43 (2), pp 130-138 (2007)
J.A. Timpson, D. Sanvitto, A. Daraei, P.S.S. Guimaraes, H. Vinck. S. Lam. D.M. Whittaker, M.S.
Skolnick, A.M. Fox, C.Hu,
Y‑L.D. Ho, R. Gibson, J.G. Rarity, S. Pellegrini ,
K.J. Gordon , R.E.
Warburton ,
G.S. Buller , A. Tahraoui, M. Hopkinson and P.W. Fry,
"Single photon sources based upon
single quantum dots in semiconductor microcavity pillars " , Journal of Modern
Optics, 54 (2‑3), pp 453‑465 (2007)
R.E. Warburton , A.
McCarthy , A.M. Wallace, S.
Hernandez‑Marin, R.H. Hadfield, S.W. Nam, G.S. Buller ,
"Subcentimeter depth resolution using a
single‑photon counting time‑of‑flight laser ranging system at
1550 nm wavelength " , Optics Letters, 32 (15), pp 2266‑2268 (2007)
A. Cleary, A. Glidle, P.J.R. Laybourn, S. García‑Blanco, S. Pellegrini , C.
Helfter, G.S. Buller , J.S. Aitchison, J.M. Cooper,
"Integrating optics and microfluidics for
time‑correlated single‑photon counting in
lab‑on‑a‑chip devices " , Applied Physics Letters, 91 (7),
Article No 071123(2007)
G.S. Buller , A.M. Wallace,
"Ranging and three‑dimensional
imaging using time‑correlated single‑photon counting and
point‑by‑point acquisition " , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in
Quantum Electronics, 13 (4), pp 1006‑1015 (2007) [Invited paper]
S. Pellegrini , R.E.
Warburton , L.J.J. Tan, J.S. Ng, A.
Krysa, K. Groom, J.P.R. David, S.D. Cova, M.J. Robertson and G.S. Buller ,
"Design and performance of an
InGaAs/InP single‑photon avalanche diode detector " , IEEE Journal of Quantum
Electronics, 42 (4), pp397‑403 (2006)
A.M. Wallace, R. Sung, G.S. Buller , R.D. Harkins ,
R.E.Warburton and R.A. Lamb,
"Detecting and characterising returns
in a multi‑spectral pulsed lidar system " , IEE Proceedings ‑ Vision,
Image and Signal Processing, 153 (2), pp160‑172 (2006)
G.S. Buller , S.
Pellegrini ,
R.E. Warburton , L.J.J. Tan, J.S. Ng, A. Krysa, K. Groom,
J.P.R. David and S.D. Cova,
"Semiconductor Avalanche Diode Detectors for
Quantum Cryptography " , IEEE‑LEOS Newsletter, 20 (5), pp20‑24
K.J. Gordon , V.
Fernandez ,
G.S. Buller , I. Rech, S.D. Cova, and P.D. Townsend,
"Quantum key distribution system
clocked at 2 GHz " ,
Optics Express, 13 , pp3015‑3020 (2005)
I.Galbraith, R. Chari, S. Pellegrini , P.J. Phillips, C.J.
Dent, A.F.G. van der Meer, D.G.
Clarke, A.K. Kar, G.S. Buller , C.R. Pidgeon, B.N. Murdin, J.
Allam and G.Strasser,
"Excitonic signatures in the
photolumineseence and terahertz absorption of a GaAs/Alx Ga1‑x As
multiple quantum well " , Physical Review B, 71 (7), article no. 073302
A.S. Shkolnik, L.Ya. Karachinsky, N. Yu. Gordeev, G.G. Zegrya, V.P. Evtikhiev,
S. Pellegrini and G.S.
Buller ,
"Observation of the biexponential ground
state decay time behaviour in InAs self‑assembled quantum dots grown on
misoriented substrates " , Applied Physics Letters 86 (21), article no.
211112 (2005)
A.M. Wallace, G.S. Buller , R.C.W. Sung,
R.D. Harkins , A.
McCarthy , S. Hernandez‑Marin,
G.J. Gibson and R.A. Lamb,
"Multi‑spectral laser
detection and ranging for range profiling and surface characterisation " , Journal
of Optics A: Pure Applied Optics, 7 , S438‑S444 (2005)
G.S. Buller , R.D.
Harkins ,
A. McCarthy , P.A.
Hiskett , G.R. MacKinnon, G.R.
Smith, R. Sung, A.M. Wallace, R.A. Lamb, K.D. Ridley, J.G. Rarity,
"A multiple wavelength
time‑of‑flight sensor based on time‑correlated single‑photon
counting " , Review of Scientific Instruments, 76 (8), p083112 (2005)
L.Ya. Karachinsky, S. Pellegrini , G.S. Buller , A.S.
Shkolnik, N. Yu. Gordeev, V.P. Evtikhiev and V.B. Novikov,
"Time‑Resolved Photoluminescence
Measurements of InAs Self‑assembled Quantum Dots Grown on Misorientated
Substrates " , Applied Physics Letters, 84 , p7 (2004)
N. Yu. Gordeev, K.J. Gordon and G.S. Buller ,
"Tunable electro‑optic
polarization modulator for quantum key distribution " , Optics Communication
234 , pp 203‑210 (2004)
K.J. Gordon , V.
Fernandez , P.D. Townsend, and
G.S. Buller ,
"A Short Wavelength GigaHertz Clocked
Fiber‑Optic Quantum Key Distribution System " , IEEE Journal of Quantum
Electronics, 40 , pp900‑908 (2004)
J.M. Smith, P.A. Dalgarno, B. Urbascek, E.J. McGee, G.S.
Buller , G.J. Nott, and R.J.
"Carrier storage and carrier dynamics in
quantum‑dot heterostructures " , Applied Physics Letters, 82 ,
pp3761‑3763 (2003)
J.M. Smith, G.S. Buller , D. Marshall, A. Miller, and C.C.
"Microsecond Carrier Lifetimes in InGaAsP
Quantum Wells Emitting at λ=1.5µm " , Applied Physics Letters,
80 , pp1870‑1872 (2002)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller , A.C. Walker, G. Smith, S.D. Cova,
M. Umasuthan, A.M. Wallace,
"Optical Design and Evaluation of a
Three‑Dimensional Imaging and Ranging System based on Time‑correlated
Single Photon Counting " , Applied Optics, 41 , pp1063‑1070 (2002)
A.Y. Loudon, P.A. Hiskett , G.S. Buller ,
R.T.Carline, D.C. Herbert, W.Y. Leong, J.G. Rarity,
"Enhancement of the infrared Detection
Efficiency in Si Photon Counting Avalanche Photodiode using SiGe Absorbing
Layers " ,Optics Letters, 27 , pp219‑221, (2002)
J.M. Smith, P.A. Hiskett , and G.S. Buller ,
"Picosecond time‑resolved
photoluminescence at detection wavelengths greater than 1500nm " , Optics Letters,
26 , pp731‑733 (2001)
J.M. Smith, P.A. Hiskett , I.Gontijo, L.Purves, and
G.S. Buller ,
"A picosecond time‑resolved
photoluminescence microscope with detection at wavelengths greater than 1500 nm " ,
Review of Scientific Instruments, 72 , pp2325‑2329 (2001)
P.A. Hiskett , G. Bonfrate, G.S. Buller and P.D.
"Eighty kilometre transmission
experiment using an InGaAs/InP SPAD‑based quantum cryptography receiver operating at
1.55µm " , Journal of Modern Optics, 48 , pp1957‑1966 (2001)
A.M. Wallace, G.S. Buller and A.C. Walker,
"3D Imaging and Ranging by
Time‑Correlated Single Photon Counting " , IEE Computing and Control
Engineering Journal, 12 , pp157‑168 (2001) [Invited paper]
P.A. Hiskett , J.M. Smith, G.S. Buller and P.D.
"Low‑noise single‑photon
detection at a wavelength of 1.55µm " , Electronics Letters, 37 ,
pp1081‑1083 (2001)
S. Pellegrini , G.S.
Buller , J.M. Smith, A.M.
Wallace, S. Cova,
"Laser‑based distance
measurement using picosecond resolution time‑correlated single‑photon
counting " , Measurement Science and Technology, 11 , (6) pp712‑716
P.A. Hiskett , G.S.
Buller , J.M. Smith, A.Y.
Loudon, I. Gontijo, A.C. Walker, P.D. Townsend and M.J. Robertson,
"Performance and Design of InGaAs/InP
Photodiodes for Single‑Photon Counting at 1.55µm " , Applied Optics,
39 , pp 6818‑6829, (2000)
I. Gontijo, G.S. Buller , J.S, Massa, A.C. Walker, S.V.
Zaitsev, N. Yu. Gordeev, V.M.
Ustinov, P.S. Kop’ev,
"Time‑resolved photoluminescence and
carrier dynamics in vertically‑coupled self‑assembled quantum
dots " , Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38 , pp674‑680 (1999)
A.M. Wallace, G.S. Buller , A.C. Walker, J.S. Massa, M.
"Depth Imaging and Metrology based on time‑correlated single photon
counting" , Image Processing Europe,
p32, (February 1998) [non‑refereed]
S.J. Fancey, G.S. Buller , J.S. Massa, A.C. Walker, S.D.
Perrin, A.J. Dann, M.J.
Photoluminescence Study of Strained Layer InGaAsP/InP Heterostructures " , Journal
of Crystal Growth, 183 , p269‑273 (1998)
M. Umasuthan, A.M. Wallace, J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller , and
A.C. Walker,
"Processing Time‑Correlated
Single‑Photon Counting Data to Acquire Range Images " , IEE Proceedings:
Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 145 , pp237‑243 (1998)
A Saher Helmy, N.P. Johnson, M.I. Ke, A.C. Bryce, J.S.Aitchison, J.H. Marsh, I. Gontijo,
G.S. Buller , J. Davidson, P. Dawson,
"A Study of Impurity‑Free Vacancy
Disordering in GaAs‑AlGaAs for Improved Modelling " , IEEE Journal of
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 4 , pp661‑668 (1998)
J.S.Massa, G.S. Buller , A.C. Walker, S.Cova, M. Umasuthan,
A.M. Wallace,
"Time‑of‑Flight Optical
Ranging System Based on Time‑Correlated Single‑Photon Counting " ,
Applied Optics, 37 , pp7268‑7304 (1998)
S.V. Zaitsev, N.Yu. Gordeev, M. P. Soshnikov, J.S. Massa, G.S.
Buller ,
"Ultrafast Absorber Saturation Process and
Short Pulse Formation in Injection Lasers " , Journal of Applied Physics,
84 , pp5441‑5444 (1998)
J.S. Massa, A.M. Wallace, G.S. Buller , S.J. Fancey and A.C.
"Laser depth measurement based on
time‑correlated single photon counting " , Optics Letters, 22 , p543
J.S. Massa G.S. Buller , and A.C. Walker,
"Time‑resolved Photoluminescence
Studies of Cross‑Well Transport in a Biased GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well
p‑i‑n Structure " , Journal of Applied Physics, 82 ,
pp712‑717 (1997)
G.S. Buller , S.J. Fancey, J.S. Massa, A.C. Walker, S. Cova,
and A. Lacaita,
"Time Resolved Photoluminescence
Measurements of InGaAs/InP Multiple Quantum Well Structures at 1.3µm wavelengths by
use of Germanium Single‑Photon Avalanche Diodes " , Applied Optics,
35 , p916 (1996)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller , A.C. Walker, J. Simpson, G.
Horsburgh, J.T. Mullins, K.A.
Prior, and B.C. Cavenett,
"A Study of the Excess Carrier
Dynamics in ZnSe Based Structures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy " , Journal of
Crystal Growth, 159 , pp 402‑405 (1996)
S.J. Fancey, G.S. Buller , J.S. Massa, A.C. Walker, C.J.
McLean, A. McKee, A.C. Bryce,
J.H. Marsh, and R.L. De La Rue,
"Time‑resolved photoluminescence
microscopy of GaInAs/GaInAsP quantum wells intermixed using a pulsed laser
technique " , Journal of Applied Physics, 79 , p9390 (1996) Also
published in
"Selected Papers on Quantum Well Intermixing for Photonics" , Ed. Herbert Li, SPIE
MS 145 (1998)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller , A.C. Walker, G. Horsburgh, J.T.
Mulling, K.A. Prior, and B.C.
"Carrier Recombination Studies of ZnCdSe/ZnSe
Single Quantum Wells Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy " , Applied Physics Letters,
66 , p1346 (1995)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller , A.C. Walker, J. Simpson, K.A.
Prior, and B.C. Cavenett,
"Investigation of Minority Carrier Trapping
in n‑type Doped ZnSe using Photoluminescence Decay Measurements " , Applied
Physics Letters, 67 , p61 (1995)
G.S. Buller , J.S. Massa and A.C. Walker,
Microscope‑based System for Picosecond Time‑Resolved Photoluminescence
Measurements on II‑VI Semiconductors " , Review of Scientific Instruments,
63 , p2994 (1992)
J.S. Massa, G.S. Buller , A.C. Walker, J.L. Oudar, E.V.K.
Rao, B.G. Sfez and R.
"Evidence of Carrier Confinement in
Nonlinear GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Microresonators Fabricated using Alloy
Mixing Techniques " , Applied Physics Letters, 61 , p.2205 (1992)